Chapter 7: Where are we?

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Everything is black. I try to open my eyes but it hurts, it stings. I think Im lying on grass.. I feel the grass around me but I can't see it.. I don't like this feeling. I can also hear water moving? We're probably next to river. We're?.. OH YEAH TEARDROP! I completely forgot about her! Is she okay?!
I try to open my eyes but it stings, it hurts. But I forced myself to open them anyways
White light completely blinds me until it settles back to a waterfall, ow my eyes. My eyes still sting but I want to look around before closing my eyes again. I'm in a forest, around me surrounded by trees except in front of me, There's a waterfall.. I guess that's why I heard water sounds. Oh yeah TEARDROP! I look around for my familiar tear shaped friend then I looked down beside me. To my left, Teardrop was there lying on the ground. Ohno.. I hope she isn't dead! The top left side of her head (head??) has completely evaporated.. I wonder what happened to her. "Teardrop, wake up" I mumbled while shaking my dead asleep friend. For a while she wouldn't wake up so I started talking louder. "Teardrop..wake up" she still wouldn't wake up. She isn't dead.. right?
"TEARDROP!" I yelled and in a state of shock, Teardrops eyes open just staring at me both startled and confused. "Ah.., Teardrop..your awake" I said looking at my friend in tears, I really thought I lost her there. I hug my blue friend, tears streaming down my face. My eyes hurt.. probably because of the water but I'm happy my friend's okay.. wait, is she really okay?
I pull back from the hug, looking at Teardrop. She still looked confused and startled. "Teardrop, are you okay? Your head doesn't.. look okay" I asked pointing at her head. Teardrop, confused pointed at herself. "Yeah,um I'm talking to you" I answered. I dont know why she thought I was talking to someone else. There's no one else here right? Right? I looked behind me to make sure. Yup, there's nothing, only the same waterfall I was looking at earlier. Teardrop looked down for a bit, probably thinking. Then looked at me giving me a thumbs up. I guess she's okay.. good. Teardrop then pointed at me. She looked worried. What does she mean? "Huh? What do you mean?" I ask her confused. She took my head and brought me to the waterfall. Why is she bringing me there? Teardrop pointed at the water and looked at me. Does she want me to look? I looked into the water and saw my reflection..

"Holy hell"

"Holy hell"

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My eyes.. is that why it had been hurting the whole time I tried to keep them open? I'm melted? Well the top part of me..
"I think Im fine.." I said answering Teardrops 'question' earlier while still staring at my reflection. "But.." I said looking at Teardrop. "My eyes hurt, I can't keep them open" I told Teardrop. I guess I had to tell her that. I try to keep my eyes open still but it's starting to sting bad. Teardrop looked at me and pulled out a sticky note. Acually lots of sticky notes. She still has those on her? She magically gets a pencil from somewhere and starting writing on it. She showed me the note while pointing at me. 'Keep your eyes closed' "I- I can't do that? How would I see?" I asked her in confusion. I don't want anyone else to die because of me.. Teardrop scribbled more on her sticky notes. She showed it to me again this time pointing at herself. 'Then I'll guide you around'
I thought about it a bit.. I guess Teardrop could help me.. Well, it's better then having to bear with the stinging from my eyes. "I- okay.." I said while closing my eyes. The stings disappeared.. I felt a hand hold me [ not ship ] I guess it's Teardrop. We start moving. I don't know where we're going but okay.. I'll let Teardrop lead the way.

-No ones POV-
Teardrop leads Gelatin into the woods. She doesn't know where shes going. She doesn't know where she needs to go too but all she knows is that she isn't safe and has to get out of this forest. She moves around a bit. Gelatin talks a bit from here to there, but it's mostly quiet. An hour passed, Teardrop then stopped and parted her hands from Gelatins [Still not a ship], Gelatin was startled from the abrupt stop. "Um, Teardrop? Why did you stop? Is everything okay?" Gelatin asked trying to find out where Teardrop is still with his eyes closed. Teardrop looked at Gelatin in confused and startled not daring to move. "Teardrop?!" Gelatin asked louder, not knowing where his friend was, even though she was just in front of him. "Tear- did you leave me?!" He yelled. Upset, Gelatin forced one of his eyes open and saw his friend just standing in front of him. Shocked, Gelatin fell to the grassy ground. "Woah! Teardrop! There you are! Why did we stop?" He asked closing back his eye. Teardrop confused pointed at herself. Remembering that Teardrop was mute, Gelatin opened up his left eye. "Yeah.. Im talking to you?" Gelatin said repeating his answer from earlier. Teardrop then nodded her head while looking back at Gelatin. She took out a note from her back and scribbled down on it. 'Where are we?' it said. "W-dont you remember? Your the one who brought us here?" Gelatin asked confused. Teardrop shocked pointed at herself. "Yeah! You!" Gelatin answered again much louder then earlier. Why cant Teardrop remember? She brought both of them there! Teardrop thought about it, then scribbled a bit on her sticky note. This time not showing Gelatin the note and keeping it back to wherever she took it out from. Teardrop pulled Gelatin up. Then started walking around again. Gelatin, confused now just shrugged it off and closed his left eye again, following wherever Teardrop brought him. She doesn't know where she needs to go. She doesn't know why shes in a forest. But all she knows is that she needs to get out of this forest.. with her friend.. well she thinks that's her friend..

 well she thinks that's her friend

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Hello there! Welcome back to Roadkill au! It's been a while huh? Sorry that I haven't been posting

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Hello there! Welcome back to Roadkill au! It's been a while huh? Sorry that I haven't been posting. I took a break and now I'm back! Gelatin and Teardroppp best buddiesss. This isn't meant to be a ship as this book doesn't have ships but if you want you can see this as a ship. I wonder what happened to Teardrop.. do you? I want you to guess what happened to her >:) ahahaha I'm so evil (totally  not)

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