Chapter 11: Lost

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He had a bad dream. He felt bad, he felt horrible, he felt.. regretful. He could've saved him, but instead frozen in place he stood- shocked of what he was witnessing. That's a real big chainsaw, wasn't it? Four couldn't possibly die from just that simple little.. item. No, no- he was Four- he was.. THE Four, His best friend! The one with cool powers! The one who stopped an ENTIRE black hole for god sake! So he couldn't possibly die from just a small little chainsaw.. The yellow variable thought. But.. all greatness must come to an end eventually.

X jolts up, how long has it been since he has been in this forest? He doesn't know. He ran into the woods, scared for his life- he was just a coward. He didn't even check if the other contestants were okay.. he never saw them after that. Purple Face was okay! Well.. until he lost sight of him.. a while back. Probably a week ago. Loosing Purple Face SUCKED, now he has no company.. and X is very scared. Not only is he lost in a big deep forest which seems literally endless.. alone, but there's also a crazy object on the loose, with a chainsaw.

He doesn't know this object, but he seemed mad.. even with the mask similar to those smily theater masks on, he could feel the aura.. in a way. But what did he ever do to them? That death would be the only choice left? He doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know. What matters the most for him right now is to, find the contestants, check if their okay, get out of here,.. and try to get Four back.

Maybe he could try recovering him? Oh but he couldn't, unlike Four he wasn't as good with his recovering.. or anything really. The ones he'd recover will always end up distorted and weird looking.. and it was really annoying- but he didn't mind then, if anyone died- Four would just recover them anyways! He didn't need to rush on learning..

But he regrets this choice now, if he had learned.. Four wouldn't be dead, and everything would've been okay..

X hugs his knees, that object is such a meanie..

After a while, he finally decides to start his day. Nothing's gonna change if he just sits there and cry! He's done being a scaredy cat! He has learned his mistake once, no more giving up! He's gonna get out of this forest , find all the contestants and get the heck out of here! Four would be proud!

And so he leaves his resting place, off towards wherever! As long as it's closer to the bus, and his contestants! But judging by the amount of days he stayed in here, it's gonna be hard finding a way out. So he decides to find some food and water, can't turn over a new leaf on an empty stomach.

He wanders around the forest, searching around for food or water. He found a few berries, but he wasn't sure if they were poisonous or not.. he wasn't good with this whole.. plant stuff.. surprisingly enough, yeah sure- he plants aloe vera, but that doesn't mean he's a gardener now.. right?


His train of thought abruptly stops upon walking into a tree, that seems to be growing fruit out of it! What luck! They seemed to be plums, the fruits sit on these thin branches. They were.. quite high up, especially if you count the fact that X is.. quite short. But he wasn't going to give up, not again, NEVER again.

And so, for the next 40 minutes or so. X is left jumping up and down, with various different methods done- only to get a single branch of plums. He's tired, and decides to rest beside the plum tree- with the plums in hand. He gobbles them all up in a few minutes, he's very hungry- in fact, he hasn't been able to eat for the last few days do to fear of getting caught by the object.

"That was good.." X says to himself, he glances up at the remaining plums on the tree. He's gonna try much more harder to get them.. but maybe later, he deserves a break ^^

"Of course they are, you worked real hard to get them" someone replies. X nods at first, before fully realising the voice. He jumps up, scared. The voice sounded familiar.. and warming, but he still braced himself. He picks up the stick from earlier to defend himself, and shuts his eyes... it was a thin stick.

X opens his eyes, scared to see what'll be in front of him. His face turned from scared to shocked, upon noticing the blue variable in front of him. He had a strange white hue to him. He gave him a warm smile, tears pricked X's eyes as he looked upon his best friend. "Four?.."

Once those words came out of his mouth, Four vanishes. X stood in silence, as he glances at his stick in hand, and back to where Four was standing. He was hallucinating.. what did those plums do to him? Are plums poisonous too??

"..." He giggles to himself. Of course, Four is dead. There was no way he'd suddenly appear out of thin air like that.. and besides, if Four even WERE to come back- he would've said something more.. mean or sarcastic- well, being mean and sarcastic is just his way of expressing love- friendship! Him saying something so warm like that feels strangely out of character.

His giggling turns into loud laughter as he rested himself back at the plum tree, he couldn't believe how stupid he was- Four wasn't alive! He saw him die in front of him after all.. He touches his face, there was something wet. He looks back at his hand, water.. was he crying? Hm.. this wasn't what he wanted. Four wouldn't want this either, he'd probably want him to stop crying and find the contestants. What is he doing crying at a plum tree anyways? Oh this is so badly out of context.

He hugs his knees once again, taking in the quietness. Why was he.. laughing? Is he going insane?? Hopefully not. He doesn't want to trouble anyone.. not again. "hm.."

He hears rustling coming towards him, he doesn't think much of it.. there isn't even anyone here- because if there were, they would have came a few minutes ago to investigate the concerning laughter fit he did earlier. But he still has this bad gut feeling, so he decides to glance back anyways. Glancing back, his oh so peaceful face switches to horror.

The object with the mask..
He wields a flamethrower.. where did he get that?!. That stupid stick isn't gonna help now. He drops the stick, and runs the opposite direction. He runs as fast as he can, scared to look back. He let his guard down, he's sorry. He's sorry for disturbing you. Don't hurt him. He just wants to leave.

He's sorry.

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