15. Looming shadows

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Kokushibo held her close, his arms wrapped protectively around her.

"It is alright, you are safe now." He said, his voice soft and soothing.

He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to calm her.

"I will not let him harm you, I promise." He added, his voice filled with conviction.

Akira looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude and trust.

"But what if he hurt you? I would never forgive myself if anything happens to you." She said as a lone tear fell down her cheek.

"You need not worry about me." Kokushibo said, his voice gentle. "I can take care of myself. But I understand your concern. I know that you care for me, and I am grateful for that." He added, his eyes filled with warmth.

"I will not do anything to put myself in harm's way, I promise." He said, his lips curving into a reassuring smile.

Akira smiled back, her heart lightening a little. She snuggled closer to him. Not wanting to let him go.

He wrapped her in his embrace, holding her close. He savored the feeling of her in his arms, the warmth of her body, the softness of her hair. He found himself thinking about the future, a future where they could be together without fear. But he knew that such a future was far from certain, and so he savored this moment, the closeness, the connection.

"Don't ever leave me, Koku-san." She said to him.

"I will never leave you, Akira." He said, his voice was full of conviction. "I will always be by your side, no matter what happens." He added, his eyes filled with sincerity.

He knew that his words were not just empty promises. He meant them with every fiber of his being.

"You are my everything, Akira." He said, his voice husky with emotion.

His words filled her with joy and comfort and she hoped that the look in her eyes reassured him of this.

Kokushibo could feel her love radiating from her, and it filled him with a sense of contentment and peace. He knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would face them together. He would fight for her, defend her, and he knew that she would do the same for him. They were stronger together, a force to be reckoned with. And he would not let anyone or anything tear them apart.

Meanwhile, Muzan sat plotting. He had promised himself he would get Akira alone and he meant it. He had Nakime summon his other Upper Rank, Douma to him.

"My Lord." Douma said as he appeared in front of Muzan, his face as blank and unreadable as ever. "What is it that you require of me?" He asked, his voice polite and deferential.

Muzan studied him for a moment, assessing him.

"I have need of your help." He said, his words slow and deliberate. "There is someone that I wish to possess, and I believe you can be of use in that endeavor." He added, his eyes narrowing.

Muzan knew asking Douma was like using a wild card but he would have to have faith that his Upper Rank didn't mess up the task.

Douma's eyes flashed with interest, and he inclined his head in a subtle nod.

"I would be more than happy to assist you in any way that I can." He said, his voice smooth and slick. "Please, tell me what you require of me." He added, his tone eager and willing.

Muzan smirked, pleased by Douma's willingness to cooperate. He knew that he could always count on Douma's greed and ambition to motivate him.

"The woman I told you about. I want to bring her to me." Muzan instructed. "But take caution. You may face resistance from Upper Rank One."

Douma's expression darkened, his lips twisting into a sneer.

"Kokushibo is always getting in the way of my fun." He muttered under his breath, barely audible.

He knew that Kokushibo was protective of Akira, and he would likely not take kindly to his interference. But he was not one to back down from a challenge, and he was not about to start now.

"I will do as you ask." He said, his eyes glinting with determination.

"Don't get cocky with me!" Muzan scolded him. "And don't you dare harm her!"

Douma's expression turned sheepish, as if he had been caught doing something naughty.

"I would never harm someone under your protection, my Lord." He said, his voice filled with feigned innocence. "But I must admit, I am rather curious about this woman who has captured your attention. What is it about her that intrigues you so?"

"Get lost." Muzan said in annoyance as he turned back to what he had been doing.

Douma's smile faltered for a moment, before he quickly regained his composure.

"As you wish, my Lord." He said, bowing his head in deference.

He knew that he had pushed his luck too far, and that it was best to leave Muzan in peace.

"I will go, and carry out your command." He said, before disappearing as quickly as he had come.

Muzan could not help but wonder if he had made a mistake in sending Douma, of all his demons to bring Akira to him. He would have loved to send Akaza but he would not risk having his most loyal and serious Upper moon go against Kokushibo.

He knew that Akaza would be the best candidate for the task, but he was loath to risk losing his most loyal servant. And so, he had chosen the next best option, even if it was a gamble. Douma was impulsive and unpredictable, but he was also intelligent and cunning. Muzan had to hope that those qualities would be enough to get the job done.

If not, well he wasn't going to care if Douma was disposed of. He had never really liked the rainbow eyed demon.

On the other hand, Upper Rank Two was ecstatic about the mission. Finally he would get to meet the mysterious woman that had been causing quite the drama with his superiors.

Douma knew that this could be his chance to prove himself to Muzan, to show him that he was worthy of his trust and respect. He had to make sure that this mission was a success, that he would bring Akira to Muzan and gain his praise. But there was also another reason he was so eager for this opportunity. He was intrigued by Akira, and he wanted to meet her for himself.

"Oh I wonder what kind of beauty she must be?" He thought gleefully.

Douma imagined what she must look like, picturing a delicate flower, a fragile and beautiful creature. But he also knew that looks could be deceiving, and that Akira must be more than just a pretty face.

"I wonder what secrets she must hold?" He mused, his curiosity growing with each passing moment. "She must be a true enigma. I wonder if it's the same woman I met before? Lord Kokushibo did seem quite territorial over her. My that would be quite the interesting find."

All these thoughts brought a smile to his face as he began to plot his next course of action.

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