8. Ruby Red

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"You were wise to bring some food with you." Kokushibo said, watching as she gathered her things. "I can only imagine how busy you must have been in Asakusa." He said, a curious look on his face. "It sounds like you have many customers who appreciate your music." He added, a hint of pride in his tone.

"Well they did enjoy my music, however -"

"However?" Kokushibo prompted, his brow furrowed in curiosity. "However, what? If there was something wrong, please do not hesitate to tell me."

"There was an attack in the city. It just didn't feel right to prolong my stay. I sensed quite a terrifying demonic aura there." She replied with a low voice.

She had finally found her bento and as she took out her Doroyaki, she couldn't help but recall what had happened. That bad feeling she had felt in Asakusa returned once more.

"An attack huh?" Kokushibo said, his eyes narrowing in thought. "What kind of demonic aura did you feel? Something that concerned you this much must have been powerful."

"I don't know what it is I felt. It felt scarier than yours. Does that even make sense? Or well, let us not dwell on the past."

"It does make sense, though I am not sure how to explain it." Kokushibo said, deep in thought.

As he processed the information, he couldn't help but feel relieved that she was okay. He knew of only one man whose demonic aura was more terrifying than his. That man. Somehow the mere thought that Akira had been within that man's grasp filled him with dread.

"I sense that you are right, that it is best not to dwell on it." He added, his expression determined. "But I am glad you are safe. It would be quite a tragedy if something were to happen to you."

"Well I am sure I would have given whoever it was a run for their money." She replied with a giggle.

Kokushibo let out a laugh, his eyes crinkling with mirth.

"I am sure you would have." He said, his hand still on her shoulder. "But it is not a risk I would want you to take. I do not think I could bear it if something happened to you." He added, his tone suddenly serious. "You have become very dear to me."

This made her smile at him.

"I promise I'll be careful." She said. "But I can't promise I won't jump in to help someone who needs my help. After all that is how we met, isn't it?"

"You are quite right, we did meet that way." Kokushibo said, a soft smile on his lips. "And I would not ask you to change who you are, Akira-san. Your willingness to help others is one of your most admirable traits. I simply hope you will take care not to overextend yourself."

"Well my sensei did tell me the same thing." She said with a fond smile. "But I have never really been able to stop myself."

"You are a woman of conviction." Kokushibo said, his tone warm and affectionate. "It is a rare trait to have, especially in a world like ours. It is something that I admire in you. It takes great courage to follow your heart and do what you believe is right."

His words made her blush once more as she finally finished her meal.

They spent the next couple of hours talking about random things and getting to know each other. They found that they had quite a number of things in common and found comfort in each other's company.

Eventually, as the sun began to set, they decided it was time to part ways yet again although this time they were both quite reluctant to say goodbye.

"Oh look the sun is finally set." Akira said sadly as her eyes wandered to the cave entrance.

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