6. Guardian Angel

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As Akira walked along the dusty road, she felt the weight of her worries and fears begin to dissipate. The warm sun and the gentle breeze were soothing her soul, and she felt a sense of peace that she had not felt in a long time. The rhythm of her footsteps and the sounds of the wind and the trees were like a beautiful symphony.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of nature around her. It was such a refreshing smell. She couldn't smell any wisteria nearby so that meant there wasn't any wisteria house close by. She kept walking in search for signs of life but even as the sun went down there wasn't any in sight.

As the sun began to set, Akira started to feel a twinge of worry. She had not seen a single person or village since she left Asakusa, and she was starting to wonder if she was lost.

"If I continue on this road, surely I will find something." She thought to herself, her steps becoming more determined.

But as the night fell, her fear began to grow.

She decided that she would at least find a cave to sleep in for she could not continue walking through the night. She checked to make sure her cave wasn't hiding any unwanted demons, and, satisfied with that, she built a small campfire in her cave to keep her warm. Her kusari fundo by her side, she was prepared to cut down any demon that dared to attack her.

As Akira sat by the fire, she began to feel drowsy. Her eyes fluttered as she struggled to stay awake. But the flames danced in front of her like a lullaby, and before long, she was fast asleep. But in her sleep, she had a strange and vivid dream. She was standing in a field, surrounded by a sea of wisteria. The air was heavy with the sweet scent of the flowers, and she could hear a voice calling out to her in the distance.

Bolting awake, she was startled to see three pairs of eyes looking down at her in concern. Her body acted out of instinct before her brain could process things. She found herself swinging at the demon. Lucky, Kokushibo was able to move away in time so that only his hand was cut off. The hand immediately regenerated.

"I apologize for startling you." Kokushibo said, his voice calm and reassuring. "I merely wished to check on you, as you seemed to be having a rather restless sleep." He added, his tone apologetic.

But Akira couldn't help but feel a rush of relief when she realized it was him.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his golden eyes filled with concern.

"Kokushibo-san, you're here." She said excitedly. "I'm sorry for cutting your hand. It was a reflex. And you're right, I was having quite a strange dream."

"There is no need to apologize." Kokushibo said, his face softening into a smile. "I know you did not mean to harm me. And I am most interested in hearing about your dream." He said, taking a seat next to her.

"Would you be willing to share it with me?" He asked, his voice gentle and encouraging.

She nodded her head as she sat up straight.

"It was dark and I was in a field surrounded by wisteria. I don't remember anything else but I know it was troubling. Perhaps with time I'll eventually remember what the dream was about."

"Wisteria is often associated with purification and protection." Kokushibo said, his tone was thoughtful.

"Perhaps your subconscious is telling you that you are safe and protected, even in your sleep." He added, a small smile on his face. "I am curious if the dream will come back to you."

His golden eyes were shining in the flickering light of the fire.

"Hm, perhaps you're right." She said thoughtfully before she turned and eyed him with a smile. "I'm happy to see you again, Kokushibo-san."

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