3. Curious nature

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The evening was peaceful and the moon was shining as they walked through the abandoned streets of the red light district. Neither of them knew how they had ended up walking together but neither felt the bothered by the company of the other.

As they walked in a comfortable silence, Kokushibo glanced at the woman walking besides him. She was so at ease that you would think she wasn't walking next to the second most powerful demon in existence.

He couldn't deny the fact that it was refreshing meeting someone who was so unintimidated by him - who wasn't appalled by his odd features. He found himself smiling slightly at the thought and wanting to know more about her.

They eventually came to Akira's boarding place, a separate place she had rented so that she wouldn't have to deal with rowdy men thinking she was a courtesan.

"You are very gracious, for a human." He said, his voice softer than before. "May I ask what made you choose to become a travelling musician, rather than a demon slayer? After all your family has deep root ties with the head of the demon slayer corp."

"How do you know my family?" She asked, her shoulders tensing as she narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion.

"I make it my business to know as much as I can about the humans I come into contact with." Kokushibo replied, his golden eyes studying her closely. "But to answer your question, your sister is married to the head of Ubuyashiki family. Together they lead the demon slayers." He said, with a hint of annoyance.

"I see," she replied pensively as she unconsciously took up a defensive stance. "So what will you do now seeing as I'm related to the family you are at war with?"

"I do not see you as an enemy, Akira." Kokushibo said, his voice was surprisingly gentle.

"Though your family and mine are at odds, I do not hold you responsible for their actions. I only wish to know more about you, and why you chose a different path from your sister." He continued, his expression unreadable.

She eyed him suspiciously as she contemplated whether or not to trust him.

"Seems to me like you've learned quite enough about me on your own. Kokushibo was it?"

"That is correct." Kokushibo said, inclining his head slightly in acknowledgment. "I do not mean to pry into your personal life, but I am curious about what led you to become a traveling musician, rather than following in your sister's footsteps. I do not mean to offend, but it is unusual for a human to choose such a path."

"There's nothing odd about doing what I love." She replied before she could stop herself.

"That is a surprisingly wise response." Kokushibo said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "It is rare to find someone who is so in tune with their own desires, and unafraid to follow them, even when they go against tradition. Your sister must be quite proud of you."

"Yes she is, but I would prefer not to talk about my sister. Especially to someone who is still technically an enemy." She replied with a sad smile.

"I understand." Kokushibo said, his expression softening. "Your past is your own, and you have no obligation to share it with me. I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable."

He bowed his head slightly in apology. "Perhaps we can speak of other things, if you would be amenable?"

"Well I suppose I owe you one for stopping me from killing your somewhat rude comrade." Akira said with a smile.

"Ha! I would say that is an understatement." Kokushibo chuckled, a rare smile playing on his lips. "But I am grateful for your restraint. I do not wish to make an enemy of you, Akira."

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