Jealously and Hostages

Start from the beginning

Mikasa suddenly stands up and makes her way towards the door determinedly. Levi quickly and firmly grasps her shoulder, pulling her back. "Calm down," he orders, "I know you wanna get Eren back, but going on a rampage won't help with that. Anyway, we're heading for Rod Reiss' estate. Prepare to leave at once."

"Sir!" Our squad affirms. 

"Wait!" I shout before they all take off. "There's one more thing..." I trail off. I had told Hanji and Levi about this, and now seemed like a pretty good time to inform the others. "I've been thinking about everything that's happened since I first transformed into a titan. There seems to be a pattern. When I turned into a titan for the first time, Annie, or the female titan, seemed surprised. I mean, everyone was, but not like with Eren. It was like she wasn't expecting it. Like she didn't know there was another titan shifter. And when Eren and I were captured, they were talking about not remembering who Eren ate, but they didn't say anything about me. My point is, I don't think I'm like the others. I don't know how, but I don't think my power was passed on from anyone. I'm pretty sure I'm the first of whatever my titan is. That being said, I don't know if my powers can be passed on if I get eaten. I don't think Reiner or Bertholt knew the answer either. So, we're kind of guessing when it comes to my titan." Everyone sat there, trying to process this knew information. But unfortunately, we didn't have time for that. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go!" I commanded. They all hurriedly scrambled to their feet and went to prepare.

Levi, Hanji, Moblit, and I walked back into the basement. "I'll go tell Erwin everything about the Reiss family. I'm sure he's waiting to hear from us," Hanji tells us.

"Right," Levi confirms.

"You head for Lord Reiss' estate. I'll find you when I can," Hanji continues. 

I nod in agreement and turn to them, "Okay. Good luck."

Time Skip...

We made our way towards Lord Reiss' estate. We had currently set up camp in the forest near a river. We had to lay low, so we sent the least conspicuous of the bunch to buy supplies. Jean, Armin, and Mikasa. They were just now returning from their outing, bags in hand. "Captain, Y/N, we bought the supplies," Jean informs. I stand up and make my way over to them. I hastily tase the bags from them, wanting to help in some way. When I get to Jean, he takes the bags I was holding from my hands. I give him a confused look, asking what he was doing. He blushes slightly and rubs the back of his neck while giving me a nervous smile. "I'll take them," he says.

"No, it's okay. I can do it," I assure. 

"No, no. I insist. You're always doing things for others. Let me do something for you," he argues with an even brighter blush. 

I shrug and give in with a thankful smile. "Okay, if you want to." I turn back around and go back to my spot next to Levi. From the corner of my eye, I see him roll his eyes. "What?" I ask.

"Tch. Nothing," he mumbles. I open my mouth to ask him what was wrong, but quickly shut it when I see Armin walking towards us.

"The MPs were handing out these flyers," Armin says while handing Levi a flyer. I look over at the paper and see a sketch of Levi and myself on it. "If this is true, the scouts will be disbanded." I examine the paper even closer and see that they want information on our whereabouts. "They say they'll be hunting for us in the mountains tonight. They're also posting guards on all the vital roads. No one can get through them without a pass. So, captains? What now?"

"We need to hurry and find Eren," Mikasa demands.

"He'll be fine," Levi ensures, "They're taking him on a wagon. That gives us one day before they reach Reiss' estate. And we need every second we can get to come up with a plan."

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