Issue Three

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"A female Broly?" Graysen asked, trying to keep Cinder and her group focused on him and not on Takara. There was a SLIM chance of her being revived-

"Nice try." Cinder uses her powers to destroy any chance of Graysen bringing Takara back to life: "And yes. This variant of the Legendary Super-Saiyan is a female."

"Lemme guess...You brought her here to assist you in stealing Grayson's powers?" Graysen asked the power hungry bitch, desperately trying to control his temper that was boiling over the fact that he failed to protect Takara, his newly wedded wife. In a sense.

"No." Pandora [Female Paragus] tells Graysen: "Brolina and I are here because this woman, Cinder, promised us one that would offer his body for my daughter to create off-spring so that the revenge on both Regita and Frieda can be accomplished."

"Bet?" Graysen snarls: "So you're both here to keep me busy, while Cinderella and her girl group reach Grayson and steal his powers."

"That's not all..." Cinder smugs: "Your potential can be quite useful as well...Seeing that there is a possibility of you being the weilder of Ultra Instinct."

"Cute." Graysen remarks: "And funny that you think I have this kind of ability. Especially when there are others like me-"

"Oh...We know..." Cinder replies: "We may not have located the other two besides yourself...But the others? The ones foretold to be the "Survivors" of the Primal "Legacy"?....I wonder if I should tell you...Or have you figured it out on your own...?"

Graysen's eyes widened. His friends...His family...Those that migrated to different dimensions to build foundations that would restore the Primal Legacy, they were all hunted down and ruthlessly killed by Cinder and her team.

"We didn't touch those who became slaves to Queen Milennia." Emerald tells Graysen: "But that didn't stop us from killing the next generation that lived in different dimensions."

"Do you know what that means...Graysen Oshua Prime?" Mercury grins evilly: "You're basically the last of your kind." She tells him: "At least until the other two or three Primals pop up."

Graysen's fists tightened till they began shaking with his entire body. Blood dripped from his tightened fists, eyeing the girl group while Authur was Permanently put out of commission.

"Well..." Cinder chuckles: "Seems like someone is ready to fight."

"That's exactly what Brolina will give him." Pandora tells Cinder: "BROLINA!" She shouts at her daughter who stood beside her: "SHOW THIS MAN THE MEANING OF TOUGH LOVE! BREAK HIM UNTIL HE SUBMITS AND ALLOWS YOUR BODY TO WELCOME HIS WITH OPEN ARMS!"

"NNNNNRRRRGGGG.....RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Brolina, on command, lunged first towards Graysen.

He smirks and easily catches Brolina's fist, shocking the female powerhouse. "Aw..." Graysen chuckles: "Did you THINK this was going to go the way you thought it would? Poor BROLINA..." Graysen's hand tightened around Brolina's right fist, making her drop down to one knee, using her left hand to break Graysen's grasp on her fist. "My Dimension...Taken away from me..." He starts to snarl: "My friends and family...Taken away from me....Takara...TAKEN. AWAY. FROM. ME!!!!" He lets go of Brolina's hand, she skids away from him, massaging her wrist. "You call yourself a Legend...Right?" Red arua burst into view: "Do you think your genetics and your bloodline makes YOU legendary?" His eyes were replaced with enraged black pupils and crimson red around the pupils: "Well...Today...Your title will be tested...Today...Your ashes will be tossed to the wayside...Today...A Legend DIES!!!!!" Bursting into his Super-Saiyan God form, Brolina's ribs were seen cracking after taking one hit from Graysen's right fist connecting into her abdomen.

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