Issue Two

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-Morales Apartment....5:30PM-

"I'm sure he'll be here Mr and Mrs Morales. Just give him a little time and-"

"No más excusas Grayson, ¿dónde está MI HIJO?" Rio was pissed, and she had every right to be. Miles was late. 30 MINUTES LATE. If being left behind to talk with the head minister wasn't enough to put Miles six feet under, then how about missing his father's speech?

A speech dedicated to being promoted to Captain of Brooklyn's NYPD?

Grayson replies: "Se lo dije hace 30 minutos señora Morales, fue a recoger las tortas-"

"ESO, fue HACE 30 MINUTOS." Rio Interupts Grayson: "Los pasteles no tardan mucho en hacerse y tienen letras simples colocadas en ellos, Grayson. Déjame decirte algo chico, me gustas, confío en ti y sé que mi hijo quiere ser tu modelo a seguir por XYZ, pero si mi hijo está haciendo algo que TÚ sabes y no quieres decirme, ¿cómo puedes ¿También te veo como un hijo si no puedo confiar en ti?"

That made Grayson teary. As though there was some paternal relationship between this young man and Miles's mother-Yet again, another foreshadowing of who Grayson REALLY was.

All of a sudden: "Miles! You made it!" Jefferson and Rio heard distant relatives call out and even speak with Miles!

"I guess it's best to hear it from the horse's mouth." Jefferson was the first to sneak behind Miles's back, followed by Rio. Followed by Grayson.

"Miles, your parents were looking for you ese," Cousin Manny tells Miles: "Where you've been man?"

"What'chu mean Manny?" Miles chuckles nervously: "I've been here the whole time-"

"That's a LIE and you KNOW IT." Rio tells Miles, making the teenager jump.

He turns around quickly: "Hi Mom! Hi Pops!" Miles chuckles: "I'm sure my buddy told you where I went, right?" He shows them the cakes, not realizing what was written on them: or mushed together to say the least.

"Esos son los pasteles más feos que he visto en mi vida." Rio tells Miles

"Right..." Miles replies: "I knew I should have used an uber." He whispers to himself before trying to hide from his parents

"What are you hiding Miles?" Jefferson asked his son: "I had to give a speech without you present."

"I know-I'm sorry-"

"No you're not." Rio tells Miles: "This was your father's celebration of being promoted to Captain. Everyone else made it here BUT YOU. And then you had Grayson cover for you-"

"Grayson, didn't I tell you I was going to get the cakes that were pre-ordered, but weren't pre-ordered because the lady never took the order down?"

"Yes." He replies: "Look man, I don't like confrontations." Which we all know, that was a LIE. Grayson didn't want ANYTHING to do with the wrath of a Puerto-Rican Mother.

Not even Goku, despite his fear of Chi-Chi, would want to be in Miles's shoes when it came to the wrath of the Puerto-Rican Mother.


"Don't bring that young man into your mess." Rio tells Miles: "Your father worked hard on getting promoted. He studied for 8 months-"

"9! It was like giving birth!-"

"No it wasn't-"

"You're right, it wasn't like giving birth."

"On top of that, you left me to talk with the head minister by myself-"

"I had an emergency- you can blame Grayson for not being the pupil of the day-"

"Of course, blame ME when I just SAID that I don't want ANY part of YOU getting into Trouble-"

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