Issue Three

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"Whoa!" Miles freaked when he saw Gwen: He hid the things that would either make Gwen think little of him or laugh at him or both due to him still collecting action figures and having statues, despite being 17 years old. "Gwen!" Grayson curled an eyebrow when Gwen plopped on Miles' bed. "What are you-OOF!" Gwen hugs Miles when the portal closes. "I missed you too..."

"So..." Gwen pulls away from Miles, looking at Grayson: "Who's this guy? And how come he isn't freaking out about what just happened?"

"Name's Grayson Morhara."


"Mor-Hara...Morhara." Grayson repeats: "And you must be Gwen..."

"Stacy. Gwen Stacy." She tells Grayson: "I come from another dimension where I'm spider-woman. Or Spider-Gwen. Whichever rocks off the tongue best."

Grayson gives her a strange nod before pulling Miles away from his bed: "That's Gwen?"

"Yeah." Miles whispers, Gwen looks around Miles's room, touching his collectibles and removing the containers that were on said collectibles.

"She looks like a man."

"I can assure you that she is NOT a man."

"So she's...Trans?"

"No!" Miles whispers

"Then where's her boobs? Where's her cakes? She has no cake. You mean to tell me that you'll pass over a Columbian, a Dominican, a Bi-racial White girl, to smash THAT?"

"I am NOT trying to smash anything."

"Miles, Who are you trying to lie to? Me? Or yourself?"

"So...Miles," Gwen cuts the whispered conversation between the boys off: "How do you know...Grayson here?"

"He basically has lightning powers." Miles tells Gwen: "So I took him under my wing. You know, like how Peter did with me."

"....Neat." She tells Miles. "So...Do you have a moment? I wanted to hang out with you. Don't worry, your prodigy can come along too."

"He's grounded." Grayson tells Gwen

"It's...It's...True." Miles cringes softly from hearing the "G" word

"What a shame." Gwen walks over to the window, opens it, and jumps out the window. "Is Spider-man grounded?" Miles and Grayson saw Gwen, with her mask on, asking Miles this question.

"You do know this is going to get you into deeper waters, right?"

"Yeah." Miles told Grayson: "But I'm already that anyway."

"Okay...But just so you know...I'm not crying over your casket after your parents kill you multiple times."


"WHOO-HOO!" Grayson watched as Miles and Gwen were swinging throughout Brooklyn, having the time of their young lives. Well, Gwen was older than Miles. 15 months older, that is. "So there's a world outside this one that holds all of the other variants of spider-people!?" Miles asked Gwen after she told him everything that happened to her in her dimension.

How she almost died fighting a variant of the Vulture. How she met Miguel O'Hara and Jessica Drew. How she became a member of the "Spider-Society", A society made up of various spider-men and women that were available to aid Miguel in fixing the Multiverse.

"Yep! And Miguel's the mastermind behind it all! It was his idea! He's the best version of Spider-man out there! He's from the year 2099, he's a vampire, and he rocks a cool cyberpunk like suit!" Gwen tells Miles

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