16: Abductions

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Arthur and Merlin

"It getting late We will camp here for the night," Arthur spoke as he tied his horse to a nearby tree.

"Merlin, go and collect firewood for tonight," "Yes, sire," Merlin bowed. He knew what that would do to Arthur.

Arthur watched as Merlin disappeared farther into the woods.

As he walked through the woods, Merlin picked up many logs and thick sticks that could be used, using his shirt as a hammock.

Merlin was minding his own business when a tree branch snapped. He dropped the logs and turned quickly in every direction.

He thought maybe Arthur was messing with him. That was until he was grabbed from behind.

Merlin screams throwing his head back. The bandit grunts as he holds his bloody nose. "You're going to pay for that," He snarled.

Merlin screamed, trying to break free as his legs kicked out, messing up the pile of logs.

The bandit grabbed the scarf that was around Merlin's neck and pulled causing the boy to choke.

Merlin tried using his magic but the tightness around his neck rendered him helpless as he saw black.

Merlin didn't the last thing he could think of and brought his leg back hitting the man in the nuts.

His grip loosened and Merlin took that to his advantage as he tore from his scarf and ran.

His vision was slightly blurry as he used multiple trees to try and make his way back to Arthur and the knights.

It felt like he had been stumbling for hours, desperate to get back to the safety of the group.

Still, as hard as he tried, Merlin couldn’t navigate his way back, not even with magic.

Merlin was once again grabbed from behind. Merlin screamed and tried to fight back.

The last thing Merlin remembers was being pushed against the tree so hard that he blacked out.

When he came around, he couldn’t remember anything, all he could vaguely remember was logs.

He could hear multiple men talking, but none of the voices sounded familiar.

He tried to move his hands but found that they were cuffed and his feet tied together.

Back at camp, Arthur was starting to get worried. "What's the matter, sire?" Lancelot asked.

"Merlin would have been back by now," “He knows these woods better than anyone, he can’t have gone far.”

Something was wrong and Arthur could tell. "Gather the knights," Arthur ordered.

Lancelot did as he was told, drawing a meeting. The knights gather around waiting for Arthur's instruction.

"Merlin would have been back by now," Arthur spoke. "You think something happened?" Gwaine asked.

"Yes, I have that feeling," “What would you have us do, sire?”

"Percival and Leon will stay and guard the camp in case Merlin returns. The rest of us will go searching the woods,"

The knights nodded, grabbing their swords as they followed Arthur.

Arthur started in the direction Merlin went, following the scattered leaves that would have been Merlin.

“It looks like he was dragged,” Arthur commented, his voice breaking.

Arthur kneeled picking up Merlin's scarf. He noticed small drops of dried blood on the leaves surrounding Merlin's scarf.

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