5: Confessions

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Merlin and Arthur

Warning: Su*idal thoughts, cutting

Everyone thought Merlin was this happy littlestservant, but if only they knew about the scars that plaster his body.

Merlin sniffed as he ran the rag along his freshly made cuts. He has been fighting a never-ending battle with his demon.

He didn't know why he was battling this or what caused it, but ever since he moved to Camelot, his struggle became increasingly harder to deal with.

Merlin grabbed some bandaid and wrapped his arm hissing slightly from the pain.

He was supposed to be at Arthur's chambers an hour ago.

He knew Arthur would be worried, and angry even if he didn't make it in time, but none of that mattered when he saw his scars.

Merlin pulled his sleeve down making sure to cover the bandaid as best as he could before heading to Arthur's chamber.

Arthur was sitting at the table his arms crossed when Merlin enters. "Where were you?" Arthur asked.

"Sorry, sire. I overslept," Merlin lied.

Arthur gave him a look feeling the energy in the room change. "Have I not given you enough time off?"

"Yes, you have," Merlin mumbled. He could feel his eyes starting to tear up. He avoid all eye contact with Arthur as he started cleaning.

Arthur knew something was wrong. "Merlin, stop. You don't have to," "It's my job, Arthur,"

"Merlin, I can tell something is bothering you. Is it about your mother passing?"

Merlin shook his head, trying to focus on his work. "It's fine, sire. Don't worry about me."

"Merlin, I can't help but not worry about you," Arthur spoke but inside Merlin knew the 'truth'

Arthur didn't care about him. He would have been there when his mother passed.

"I-I have to go help Gaius," Merlin muttered dropping what he was doing and run from the room.

Arthur called after him but the boy ignored him, running to Gaius' chamber.

"Merlin, dear boy, what's wrong?" Gaius asked as Merlin barged through the door.

Merlin ignored him and ran to his room. He shuts the door curling up on his bed.

He brought his knees to his chest and cried. Gaius knocked on the door before opening it, looking at the boy.

"Merlin." He whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Come here, child."

"I just want to be left alone, Gaius," Merlin muttered. "I know things are rough right now, but you have us to talk to,"

"I don't want to talk," Gaius sighs. "Merlin, we want to help. We have been noticing a lot of changes since Hunith's passing,"

"Gaius I'm fine. Just want to get on with my chores." "How about you just stay here for now? I'll go talk to Arthur,"

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