Chapter IV

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Here I am again after a very long break.
I know I've left you in cliffhanger for a very long time.
I apologize for the delay.
I was sick and + I had no inspiration to continue the rest of this story.
So it's that for these tortures, I'm going to have to dig into my brain to find Dark ideas.
I might not publish too much because soon my high school will open and I will be going to Première STMG so I will be busy with high school but I will still do my best to publish for you.

A short summary.

She heard only silence, so she started to panic even more.
Then suddenly she heard a maniacal laugh that startled her.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" ..........................

The person comes under the small bulb 3 meters from the girl.
She can now see the person well.
Who has a mask.
"The Masked Man" said the girl, still whispering in shock.
The MM continues to laugh. HAHHAHA!!!
"Ahlalala, what were you doing outside at night during curfew Honey." he asked with his head tilted to the right and his hands on his hips. He slowly approached the girl in shock and fear.
She is shaking so much with fear.
He says "you know I'm not mean." With a baby voice like a little boy who is about to cry.
The girl says in her head "aww so cute, but damn it okay, why you say that!?!??!?! He kidnapped you and is going to kill you and you say TOO CUTE?!?!??! Come to your senses little girl and find a way to escape." She scolded herself in her head for finding MM cute.
MM says "Really you think I'm cute, beautiful. Aahh thank you." "WHAT?!??!!" Yelled the girl.
"How do you know what I said???" she asked in shock.
Because she said it in her head and not out loud.
So how does this Man know.
He is laughing. "That I can't tell you baby." He said with a sarcastic voice.

"Okay enough talk. Let's get down to business my love"

"What?!! Please don't hurt me." cried the girl.

The MM walks towards a table to his left.
There are tools placed on this table. Neatly.
He looks at the tools and points at them with his finger, as if choosing which one he wants.
He turns around to look at the girl who was already staring at him with her eyes wide open.

He says "I let you choose which tool you want me to use."
The girl no longer understands anything.
Her brain no longer works.
She is in total shock.
This serial killer just asked her to choose which tool she wants him to use.

(wow I admit, bro go take some vacation. You're not well 🤣🤣)

He sees she's not answering and said "Okay I'll choose no big deal."
He talks like he hasn't just kidnapped someone and isn't planning on torturing her.

But nooooo He's not doing that ahalala.
He is playing yeah He is playing.
He's not a serial killer behaving like a FREAKING CHILD.


After 10 minutes He finally chooses a tool.
And that's a little pair of hospital scissors.
Use for operations.
He turns and walks towards the girl. He stands in front of her and shows her the pair of scissors.
He says "found it".
The girl was about to faint looking at the pair of scissors in this madman's hand.
He approaches her slowly.
He bends down to her level and looks her straight in the eyes.
Of course the girl has trouble seeing his eyes because he's wearing a mask. She panics.
He touches the girl's face with the pair of scissors very gently.

The Torture Room Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant