Chapter III

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Hi, here I am again with chapter III, if you have any questions regarding the story then don't hesitate to ask me in the comments.
If you have any ideas for anything like action scenes, or you want me to add a character, a way of torture, romance, whatever, let me know.
And I'll do my best to put it in this story for you and of course you'll get the credit.
And I repeat, the Masked man, I call him like that MM, it's simple.
Let's go to the story.
Oh and like I said to Haelanbooks         that I will publish tonight.
Then here you go.
I know Im late.
But as a quotation said "better late then never".

Summer up

On the other side, with DARKNESS, the members are investigating.
Except for Bellamy, he was in his room, with Clark.
They are discussing something.
The other members have noticed that their behavior is shady.
But don't pay too much attention to that.

------------------- 2 days have passed but the police, Sheriff François and DARKNESS still have no trace of HM's investigation.
François has hired bodyguards for his daughter since he received an anonymous call.
Who is a threat to him and his daughter.
He still doesn't know who it was but he thinks it's MM.
But hey, he has no proof to say so he was investigating the MM and the anonymous call.
Everyone panics, and pray for there to be fewer victims, murders committed by MM.

------------ In a dark hallway at a high school in Beacon Hills, a 17-year-old student rushes home knowing full well that in 10 minutes it will be curfew. And that there's a 1 in 3 chance that she'll be killed by that bastard MM.
She puts her things away as quickly as possible and leaves the locker room. She had come to practice football alone on the field.
Since the sports coach doesn't want to let her play with the boys.
This young girl has just come out of the locker room and is locking it.
The locker room is located at the back of the school which is very very large. It will take her a long time to get to the exit so she runs towards the school exit.
But she didn't notice a man dressed in black with a mask following her discreetly.
She stops to take a break because she is out of breath, she already has aches after football and there she runs.
So she takes a little break.
And suddenly she feels a presence behind her.
She turns around Instantly....

But see no one.

And BAM!
she feels a very big pain in the back of her head.
And before she saw who it was, she lost consciousness.

------------- The girl opens her eyes little by little, the first thing she sees is.......... nothing.
There is only darkness.
She cries from the pain she feels in her head.
When she wanted to hold her head, she couldn't.
She feels ropes wrapped around her wrists, her ankles.
She cried out, tossing in the chair. "HELP!!!! HELP!!!"
But she only hears her own voice in the echo.
She cries and cries.
"Please help me....I don't want to die." She said crying.

A few hours later, the young girl had stopped crying and remained silent in this darkness, then she heard footsteps approaching.
A door opens.
The heart of this young woman gallops like a horse at full speed. Sweat runs from her forehead to her neck.
Her eyes wide open and expresses fear.
Her quickening breathing.
She shakes and shakes.
She sees darkness and only just hears. She gulped when her throat suddenly became dry.
Then a sudden voice made her jump on the chair in fear.
This deep voice said "Good evening my little footballer".
The terrified girl asks "Where am I? Who are you? I don't see anything." she asked with a small voice.
She heard only silence, so she started to panic even more.
Then suddenly she heard a maniac laugh that startled her. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

The next chapter will be released the day after tomorrow, sorry to leave you in cliffhanger.
I couldn't do a long chapter, I'm sorry. I'll do one the day after tomorrow. OK?
Bye Bye.

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