40k special

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An: Can't write college sucks. But here some treat while waiting.         


"Hey hey hey! I told you not to touch that!" Lily shouted at the top of her lungs as she dispersed the small crowd of red-robed cyborgs. The first few days spent were a welcome change for Lily as anyone willing to curse the covies was a win in her book.

Now... now she was not so sure. At first, it was innocent enough. A few curious gazes here, a few questions there, it was all not that bad. For a humble mechanic such as herself, her machines were her babies, and she is one damn proud mother if she does say so herself.

Then it began. At first, it was barely noticeable. A few screws missing were nothing to be mad of. A missing ignition was a whole other matter. Lily is more than welcome to show anyone interested in her works, but taking her babies apart was where the line draws.

"Ah mistress Lily! We didn't-" "Shut it wheely! I told you lots to not take it apart! It is a damn hassle to keep putting them back on!" Lily shouted as she checked her prototype for damages. "Seriously, what is up with you mania- hey! Put that down now!" 

Lily snapped as the men and women within the corner of her eye flinched before reluctantly letting go of a metal frame. Lily went back to her work and thankfully, the damage was superficial though it grated her nerves to no end how sticky her baby felt.

"What did I tell you about the oils??" Lily growled as one of the red robe cyborg hummed in satisfaction. "Oh, it is nothing mistress Lily! We were in fact just beginning to apply the sacred- m-misstress Lily? W-why are you-" "I told you not to put oil in it!" Lily screamed as she relentlessly slapped the man with her wrench.

Though she made sure not to apply too much force to hurt the poor man, Lily's eyes were telling a different story. "B-but-" "No buts!" Lily cut off as she went back to her work. "Seriously, if you brats really like to learn, why don't you start with something simple?" Lily muttered under her breath as the scattered crowd of red-robed cyborgs slowly drew close once more.

"I-it's not that we are new mistress Lily! We are simply new to these ancient wonders!" The young cyborg began to go on and on of their own achievements and aspirations as Lily quietly tuned in as she went with her work. Lily could not place it, but she was fond of these weirdos.

Their obsession with the machine is almost as bad as hers, even if they keep revering it as if they were holy relics. "And thus, it is quite imperative that we... we... what is that?" A new hummed curiosity came out from the young cyborg and his colleagues when they finally noticed the tiny machines she brought with.

"This... is a toaster." Lily said as she settled the thing before the crowd as they eyed it with rapt attention. "I cannot trust you lot with my babies if you are going to rip them to shreds and so, we are going to start with something small." Lily said as she pushed the toasters closer to them.

"Break it down to its most basic components. If you manage to do it without breaking anything inside, we can begin working again. Until then, do your best." Lily said before going back to her work before she was stopped unceremoniously.

"I...I can't." Lily stopped as she snapped back towards the young man. "Excuse me?" Lily asked. "I-it's... it's hard to explain mistress Lily." The young man stuttered as Lily raised a brow. "S-she's... beautiful." "...Come again?" Lily felt her brain stop working for a moment as the young man continued.

"I-I mean l-look at its sleek curve, its ample steel shining brilliantly like the moonlight." The young man slowly reaches out as Lily visibly shuddered. "T-this is no normal machine mistress! This... this is a gift from the omnissiah... I... I think I am in love." "All right! Stop!" Lily shouted as she hurriedly took back the toasters, much to the dismay of everyone.

"Mistress? What is the meaning of this!" The crowd cried out in outrage as Lily hide the toasters. "All right calm down everyone." Lily tried but the crowd cried out louder. "We are calm! We are just... well... just give it back to us!" One screamed as others echoed back.

"If you are not going to shut yer traps, then I'm throwing it all away!" Lily raises one of the toasters into the air as the crowd screams in dismay. "Stop stop! We understand mistress Lily! We understand, so please have mercy!" The men and women cried out as Lily slowly lowers the toaster.

"All right twerps here's what's going to happen so listen up!" Lily shouted as the men and women listens attentively.  "Until I deemed you ready, you are not going to touch any of those toasters without my permission, am I understood?" "B-but-" "Am. I. Understood?" The crowd visibly wilts as they heavily sank back. Lily could not help but feel a slight pang of guilt as they nodded back weakly.

"Don't worry, I know this might happen so I brought other things instead!" Lily said as she revealed another batch of machines. "These are blenders and they are..." Lily slowly trailed off when she noticed their eyes glistening with that same look. "Ah, fuck." Lily cursed out as the crowd clamored to get one on their hands.

To the nearby UNSC civilian, they were baffled at the sight. To the guardsman nearby, they could only shake their head in disbelief, muttering 'cog heads' as they moved on. To the poor Lily, she desperately fends off the hungry fanatics, quietly regretting her decisions. "I told you already! Stop putting oils in it! And you! Put that toaster down!" Alas, she had grown attached to them.



I have no drive to write at the moment. I am trying to find my fuel but I still feel empty when I do write. Maybe I'm burned out? Idk but I do hope I can get back on my groove. There is so much story to tell, so much tragedy to write. I also would like to apologize for you guys because I really want to prioritize my og novels. I know I said this about a million times already but this one has to be put in the back burner for my real work so I do hope you understand. After all, writing is hard.

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