Chapter 9

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         An: Here is your yearly update. There won't be fight scenes here but I think you would enjoy this for other reasons. Also sergeant Fortuna is briefly mentions here for all of you baldy fans out there (specifically from the thunder warriors vid)

         "I've returned." Hyperion whispered calmly as Alvar, and the others were waiting patiently from the bridge. The worry and concern plagued their eyes as they look back at the custodian. "Sir Hyperion did you..." Dominicus trailed off as his voice betrays him.

"Your compassion and love for these normals are commendable captain, though I do hope it will not cloud your wisdom when the time comes. As for your request, I've made sure to hold back." Relief washed over Dominicus's eyes as Hyperion continued.

"Though it took a great deal even for me. These young humans are so brittle and soft that even their proto astartes barely survived a strike from me. I honestly thought I used too much force. Thankfully however, these hatchlings are not entirely worthless."

Both captain's eyes widen at the word of the custode. "P-proto astartes?? Y-you don't perhaps mean..." Alvar began as Hyperion quickly cut him off. "Peace captain, they are nothing like the thunder warriors. I've fought all three of them, I assure you they have nothing in common."

Relief washed over Alvar's face as Dominicus looked back confused. "Absolve me of my ignorance venerable Hyperion, but what exactly are thunder warriors?" Alvar's face immediately hardened then as Hyperion stared directly into his eyes.

"I understand your lack of understanding captain. You are far from the throne world after all and are a successor chapter but believe me when I say this. If you ever saw one, kill it while you still can. Under no circumstances are you to fight them in close quarters." Hyperion warned as a sense of unease invaded Dominicus.

"I understand your wariness sir Hyperion, but what exactly that makes them dangerous?" Dominicus asked as Hyperion gestured towards Alvar. "Captain Alvar had experienced fighting against them. Captain, if you may?" Alvar grunted before nodding stiffly back in response.

"Sergeant Fortuna at that time had led us towards one of these warriors. It was a grand total of three squads. A devastator, an assault, and even an incursor joined in... against one man." Dominicus's eyes widen much to Alvar's understanding.

"I thought it was too much as well. 30 armed and ready astartes for one man? I thought we were going overboard and overestimating this man. It was madness... was madness. When I saw him actually fight, only then have I realized how underprepared we really were."

Alvar paused then as he glances at Hyperion who nodded in turn. "H-he was incredibly witless, charging in with chainsword at hand. Forgoing the bolter even though there was an abundance at his feet, it was foolishness... but his skill... his skill rivaled that of the custodes."

Dominicus's mind stops for a moment as he unknowingly glances at Hyperion. The custode, the emperor's own praetorian itself. The one who made every man and woman and child below that of a primarch kneels before their might, nodded back in kind.

The emperor's own guardians acknowledge such a terrible beast. Only then did Dominicus understand the gravity of those words. Dominicus felt a sweat burrowing down behind his back as he silently gives thanks to his fallen cousins.

"He was like a whirlwind of death. I know this might sound absurd captain Dominicus, but I swear by my gene father I speak no lies. Even with the aid of our augmented bodies, we were like children before an ogryn. Bolter, krak grenades, it mattered not to him.

It was only through the sacrifice of my brothers and the bravery of sergeant Fortuna did I managed to survive. Only he and I remained. He was incredibly resilient. Even when his spine was cut in half, he still manages to cling on for a while...

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