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To those who wanted a second part, sorry for the long wait :)

Again writing on phone so bare in mind when you see typos

I tried bolding / italics on the text on mobile however it kept glitching so I decided to go without.


It had been a good 15 minutes before you could breath again due to the pressure in your stomach.

For a moment you felt like you were in another dimension of pleasure just from the ridges of his member.

En'ta growled as he felt your inside tense and untense, his member thumpingly sensitive after unleashing his load.

"You did so well.." he commented.

"Aahhhaa.." you panted "I wasn't expecting that"

"I hoped I lived up to your fantasies~ I could smell the way you looked at me when I first saw you."

You blushed.

The extasy soon left as he was able to pull out, with one last flash of pleasure all you could feel now was the pumping sensation of your shoulder.

Which had began to bleed more.

En'ta also realised this and leant down, lacking it up as a cleaning method.

You gasped from the unusual feeling and tenderness of pain coming from your shoulder.

"I know it hurts, but no one else will come after you now." He mumbled "now you won't be able to run either."

He bent back up now staring you in the face, mandibles flaring slightly.

"Now that you're mine I'll never let you go. No matter what"

He instantly kissed you and locked your head into place with his mandibles.

Leaning into his touch you kissed him back.

Like a big bear with anger issues you thought.

Pulling away he collapsed beside you, now on his back. You took this opportunity to get close to his side, to his warmth and relax.

The bleeding had mostly stopped at this point and you would need to tender to it soon but for now, you wanted to lay with him.

He wrapped his arm around you giving you stability.

Soon you couldn't help it but drift away into comfortable darkness by his side.

Morning came and the pain in your shoulder was worse. Rubbing it you realised some sort of gauze was covering it
. Opening your eyes, you lay on the bed with a spawlled out yautja besides you. His muscles twitching here and there as he dreamed.

You took this chance to look him over. Everything was on for show.

You decided to have some fun. You slowly moved closer to his fully hard member, careful as to not wake him from his slumber. You knew yautja had superior senses allowing them to be more aware of their surroundings.

Carefully you reached out and gripped it.

There was a slight reaction but nothing as to hint to him coming to.

You the  moved your face closer to the tip, giving it a small lick you looked up at him. A sharp breath of air was taken by him. But still a steady pace followed.

Good still asleep.

Ypu began to take what you could, making a damn hard effort.

He jolted with a grunt thrusting deeper down your throat with a moments notice.

Shunned //Yautja x human! reader\\Where stories live. Discover now