5~Best friends

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~Your Pov~
I was now searching the ship for the unknown yautja onbaord, i carried my pistel, that i had found in the control room, close to me. It had been about 10 minutes since i started looking and i had found no sign of the alien, absolutely nothing, no clicking, no claw marks, no bursts of red energy. Nothing. Where the fuck was it?

After about 15 more minutes of searching the entire ship, i gave up and blamed it on the ship just bugging out.

I made my way back to the control panel so i could make my way back to earth, back to soild ground.

The sliding doors opened once i came close enough, revealing the control room being the exact same as it was when i left it. My fears of a yautja being onbaord was just the stress of thr situations i had beennin weighing down on me, and so i convinced myself again, there was no yautja onbaord... i was alone.

Thats when, two warm muscular arms wrapped around my lower stomach from behind while its head rested ontop of mine. i started to freak out and spaz, in hopes to get away from it, but as my studies have continually said; these beings were strong as fuck. On the other hand, theyre actually very warm.. and its actually kinda nice...

Nope, hold on... yeah nope. I started to heat up a little as i struggled more. The yautja however, contained me easily, without breaking a sweat. I really stood no chance. I decided to reseve my strength snd wait for an opportunity as one would surely come around.

Thr yautja increased his grip on me witb one hand, while the ither reached out to the control pannel. A spark came from the control pannel as it began to chance colours, fromt] the calming blue, to a red which was observed on the yautjas ship. So thats what they were doing pnbaord the ship, uploading their ships AI or coding.

However before everything could turn red and crush my hopes at living, a small slither of blue was found, and spread. In that moment i could cry, our technology was fighting back, although theirs was on another scale, it maintained its place.

The alien clicked in response as it threw me to th4 side and started typing on the control pannel. I stared at it. It had light blue highlights ontop of dark skin.

(I tried to find the original artist of this is but it seems no one can find it, if u know please comment so i can credit 😩)

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(I tried to find the original artist of this is but it seems no one can find it, if u know please comment so i can credit 😩)

The maskless creature snarled in disgust at the control pannel then turned to me. Oh no what did i do now? Clicking angrily the creature typed away at the technology located on its forearm.

Then a voice deep as the pits of hell, came from it.

"Human, drive this ship to the mother ship." It commanded. Im sorry what? Did it just talk to me? i sat on the ground in shock. Starjng at it as it awaited an answer. Why would i help it deliver me ti my own death? Wait why is it even commanding me to fly the ship? Cant it do that itsel- oh.

I looked over at the blue part of the control pannel, that part of the coding must be the coding that flies the ship. And im the only human left around. Oh oh! I only smiled a little bit. Luck was just on myside today.

"And why would in do that?" I felt a bit braver after saying that towards this still very much terrorfying creature. As much as this creature wanted to tear me to pieces, I was the only one qualified to actually fly the ship. Otherwise we would both starve to death before anyone could reach us. We're in deep space.. alone.

He clicked his four mandibles together, then flared them out at me with a threatening hiss. I couldn't stop myself from crawling back a little.

"I could, and will, tear you to pieces human." It shot back, venom intertwined in its voice.

"Then how would you fly the ship? Its biometrics would never let you fly it you know. Plus, there isn't a lot of food left for an 8ft yautja." I retorted. That left the creature silent for a few moments, for once humans had the high ground in a 1v1 involving a yautja.

"If you won't fly to the mother ship, at least fly to that planet or I will litter you with cuts and keep you alive through the pain." I looked out the front, to see the planet the yautja was talking about and I could physically feel the blood leaving my face.

The orange to red swirls littered the sky on this planet, like a moving force field. However it had very good air for humans. Well for life in general. The orange gras protected this planet from sun rays of the two suns surrounding it. Days normally last for about 27 hours. Pretty much perfect for humans. However it wasn't, the wildlife on this planet- no one who has set foot on that planet has lived to tell the tail.

Planet A45 - Arion

Shunned //Yautja x human! reader\\Where stories live. Discover now