2~Shouldn't we see them?

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G O R E (warning) marked by 😵‍💫
~Your pov~

I couldn't get over the radio message, the man's voice.. it sounded off and my intuition was going off like fireworks. As of right now, I'm preparing to go down into that ship as the original plan commanded. However everyone felt on edge, besides the commander, but the message, the soldier sounded like he was in pain, he coughed now and then but got out what he needed. I guess that was enough to let the commander take action and send more soldiers and me into that ship.

this was going to be fun...

I fitted my vest as best I could along with doing my hair so it was out of my eyes. I grunted as a tall soldier 'bumped' into me as he made his way past, however, I continued buttoning and zipping my outfit along with prepping my research supplies. 

"its time, get ready to board." the commander shouted aggressively. The ship shook but not enough to make me fall as I made my way to the dock area, behind the soldiers. OH, another fun thing to add, this was my first time boarding a yautja ship. Normally I'm back at base but they wanted me here for research on them and their actual ship. This was humanities first big catch actually. We had never captured a ship with over 2 yautja... those were classified as sciut ships. this one, however, was no scout ship. It had 10 or so yautja onboard, if I remembered correctly. But we had gotten the thumbs up, so we will be fine, every yautja will be detained. :)

The doors opened with a puff of smoke, although I got the least of it since I was located at the back of the bunch. As the smoke disburse we all started to go in. Broken wires littered the place, blast marks here and there. a flipped up vent with broken panels around it. Obviously, a fight occurred here and lead up to the main room which was up ahead. The door concealing it had been dented in and slightly angled downwards, registering it stuck as it budged back and forth.

As we came across the door the soldiers looked inside, to their dismay, they violently turned around with a hand over their mouth, giving the commander a questionable and distressed look. This made my anxiety pop.

the commander pushed his way through the soldiers, which there weren't many of them (5), as he was also at the back with me. With a grunt, he pushed the broken sliding door to the side a bit to allow for room to allow him to fit through. I followed behind.

What i saw made me want to vomit, Yautja bodies covered in green neon blood lay across the floor. Three yautja bodies. On the other side of the room, I followed the lines of blood splatter and blast damage that lead me to the human bodies. Some didn't even have heads or had giant holes in their chest.

"Nine good men... Nine good men brought down three fucking yautja." He closed his eyes as he continued, "they went out bravely, however, where is the tenth?"

"was he the one who sent the message?" I inquired. Remembering the transaction of words he had with us, leaving a bad taste in my stomach. Something was wrong here but I didn't dare stand up and say this, not against the commander.

Someone else would, right?

The soldiers disburse somewhat, allowing for an analysis of the environment. Neon blood mixed in with the thick and still warm red blood.

I went over to a yautja body, this one was tinted yellow and dark brown. Its mandibles spread wide as if letting out a death cry when he saw his final moments of light. there were multiple stab wounds in his gut and one gash across the things neck.

I stayed crouched next to the multiple yautja bodies as i analysed them, it was nothing i hadnt seen before. All of the dead yautja were brought to me when i was back in the lab. Standing up i took another look at the room, where had the 10th man gone? And more importantly where were the other yautjas?

"Alright lets keep lookin for 10th" the commander demanded as he stepped away from the human bodies.

I once again found myself at the back of the group with the commander, the ohter man had their guns low with safety off. I found myself wondering if it was a bad idea to come in here with nothing but scienetifc study tools. Yes, hes it was bad. Shivers ran down my body as i stepped over the red blood splatters.

We came to another door, however this one wasnt broken, it seemed to be working. Come to think about it, there werent as many broken things as there were when we enetree this ship.


Oh fuck
Before i could actually say anything, the doors opened when our men reached the motion sensors, and their sat number 10. On his knees. His jaw borken off, laying on the ground next to him while his toungue hung out, drenched in blood. His stomach had multple lacerations, his arms and legs were musing huge chunks.... And his eyes.

That was the first time i had seen a humans eyes littered with so much pain and agony, nothing like i bad ever seen before

The yautja werent detained, obviously we were in over our heads, how had i not realised this before?

Oh fuck indeed

Shunned //Yautja x human! reader\\Where stories live. Discover now