12~Only cats purr

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Truthfully he spared the children as per the yautja oath which was taken as law. although he counted on you not knowing that so you would submit to him before you grew out of hand.

he had never seen a human fight like that in face of his race, the yautja. He downplayed the elder's skills, which would normally have resulted in his head being cut off by said elder, to belittle your skills. 

if he were to fight you, he wouldnt leave without a wound of some sort, but he would still leave alive. Why go through the pain of that however when he could pick away at your confidence. 




the other things on the phone were some social media apps, which didn't work due to the lack of the earth being anywhere near at this point- and a library app, with pre-downloaded books.

after watching the video you looked at him, he had an unreadable look on his face as you watched him. you went back to your phone without a second thought. 

you glanced at the books, there had to be 10000s of them. alas, it was something to fill your time and relax you.

Setting the filters to what you liked, you window shopped the books until you found something that resonated with you- selecting it you began to read. 




by the time En'ta was done with his weapons you were fast asleep with the human phone in your hands, he grabbed it and turned it off, plugging it into the charger fitted for translating yautja energy into human energy. 

looking back up at you, he realised the time. He had planned to kick you off and keep the bed to himself, maintaining the idea of placing furs on the ground- however seeing you fast asleep you decided not to for an unknown reason.

he gave you your needed rest.

Shunned //Yautja x human! reader\\Where stories live. Discover now