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everything paused, you realised what you said in shock while awaiting his response. you didnt dare to look up at him or even turn in his direction.

though you didn't need to.

he pressed his back firmly against yours as he stated "You think so? Let's test that."

you froze.

"no i-" before you could get any more words out, his tough arms wrapped around you and threw you onto the bed. you bounced but before you were firmly placed onto the bed by gravity, he was already upon you.

pushing your hands out against his chest you attempted to hold him back. 

"Oh so now you change your mind." He humbly spoke into your ear as he leaned down, the resistance of your hands was nothing compared to his strength. "Only as you're bleeding I will be decent." 

you were speechless as he got off you.

This mother fucker, you thought as you watched him go to the bathroom. 

Before you could retort with anything, the door slid shut behind him.



you sat alone for a while, then you had the oh-so-great idea. 'i should go wonder the ship and get familiar with it." it was a great idea in theory. 

getting up from your warm position on the bed, you headed out of the room and began your adventure. the hallways were long and straight, however, it was still a maze with an odd curve here and there. there was an occasion of a window, showing the vast space beyond the ship.

mindlessly looking out the window as you walked, you couldn't react fast enough to avoid the mass in front of you. bumping into it you began to lose your balance, wobbling you started to fall backwards. 

but before you could hit the ground, a pair of rough hands grabbed you, preventing the fall altogether but resulting in the somewhat romantic position between you and the unknown yautja.

your eyes fluttered open only to reveal the orange yautja standing before you. Pa'jaar.

"Well hello again Y/n~" he whispered into your ear taking advantage of the close space between the two of you. 

shivering you looked up at him, suddenly, through your oversized jumper, you felt cold as he held you.

"did you miss me?" he asked, now looking directly into your eyes.

Shunned //Yautja x human! reader\\Where stories live. Discover now