8~Thats a lot of damage!

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~Your Pov~
It was a nice dream, full of sunshine and flowers. Then it started to smell metalic, like blood. Then all the flowers started to melt into blood and leak down into the depths of hel-

I jerked awake in cold sweat, a rawr came like thunder from outside the room. I looked to my side to realise a mass of empty space, the yautja was gone. I dashed out of the room to see melted parts on the ship, steam coming from them and bits of neon green blood painting the wall.

What the fuck...

I heard a bang right around the corner and without thinking i rushed my way over. No weapon no nothing. I really just didnt learn.

I saw the male yaujta underneath  a black skeleton lookin thing with a massive head and a long tail. The black skeleton looked at me, flinging its razor sharp tail at me which i dodged.. barely. With the alien distracted, the yautja didnt wait a second longer. He took the chance while the alien was distracted to kill the creature by stabbing its neck with one of the knives. Its blood spilt on the ship like acid, literally. Burning away here and there.

"What was th-"

"Xenomoroh" he replied before i even finished my question.

The yautja clicked, then rushed to me grabbing both of my arms.

"We need to get out of here. You need to send a message" he commanded, staring me right in the eyes.

I'd be lying if i said i wasnt scared... or shaking.

He left me go and i ran to the control pannel, a message? To where? How bad were these things? If the killing machine is worried, i should be too fuuuuuuuck. Tapping a few buttons, a blue screen lit up. I typed one word.


The yautja, who i didnt know was standing rught behind me the whole time, pushed in front of me and took over. The screen turned into a blood red, and alien letters came up. Then im guessing he sent the message as the screen went back to normal.

"What'd you just do?" I asked. Only to be returned with clicks and a low hiss before he left the room.



For the rest of that day I pretty much stayed in the control pannel room, holding a knife i found shortly after the yautja had left. Speaking of which, I haven't really seen him at all.

I got up off the chair and started to look around for him. At first I wasn't worried, but now that I actually can't find the alien who was pretty much my only chance to live, I was worried.

After checking the whole ship, I picked up a gun and opened the doors, steam rushed by me as the new air hit me.

I looked around and to my surprise I actually found him sitting at the back of the ship with a make shift spear he had made from the surrounding environment.. by the looks of it.

"Why a-" i was cut off by the sound of a plane??? A ship??

I looked up in fear, it was a yautja ship. Similar to the one we had stormed.

So thats where the message went.

I debaited running into the forest, but was reminded by the oh so friendly encounter with the xenomorph and thought better of it.

"Will they kill me when they land?" I questioned lightly. The male yautja looked at me and clicked his mandibles together.



Shunned //Yautja x human! reader\\Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora