There Is Tension In Between Us (I Just Want To Give In)

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Eddie had been gloating about how he was a really good dancer, and Buck completely doubted him. Eddie offered to show him, but Bobby shook his head and told them that inappropriate dancing was not for the workplace. Eddie tried to argue that his dancing wasn't inappropriate, but Hen invited them to a "double date" with her and Karen, also wanting to see those dance moves.

That's why Hen and Karen pay a music machine to queue a slow song, one that wasn't out of place for the slow, romantic bar they were situated in. Karen lead Hen off as soon as she could, finding a place to dance on the floor. Eddie smirks. "Still wanting to see how well I dance?"

"I still doubt that you dance well." Buck challenges.

"Do you want to dance with me, partner, or will I have to look for another guy to spin?" Eddie stands up, holding his hand out teasingly. Buck takes it in a heartbeat, allowing himself to be led onto the small floor and pulled close to Eddie.

He feels hot, and he thinks Eddie has to be getting hot too. "Have you ever done a Bolero dance, Buck?" He asks, seemingly cool as a cucumber.

"I.. I think I've seen one before?" Buck flushes.

"Do you remember it at all?"

"Of course."

"Follow my lead." Eddie moves to give them a little more space from the other couples. And he leads, Buck's body swaying with his own to the perfect music, giving them a charming combination of dance and music. Buck is submitted to the feminine part.

At first its the spinning that gets Buck going, his head feeling fuzzy as he's being spun around. But then its being pulled so close to Eddie's face that there's only mere inches separating them that makes him dizzy. Then he becomes aware of Eddie's hands on his body, burning him with every touch. Buck is hot.

Then the song ends, their dance ending before they can properly finish, and Buck's face is still near to Eddie's. "What do you think, Evan? How well do I dance?" Eddie gives him a teasing squeeze to the hip, before pulling away and walking back to the table with Hen and Karen.

Buck is left dumbfounded, trailing behind Eddie with his mouth slightly agape. The room only slightly cools as he's apart from Eddie, and as he sits across from him, he stares at him. He thinks Eddie's eyes are a bit dark, but he's smiling brightly to combat that.

"Eddie, that was amazing! Where did you learn to dance like that?" Karen compliments him, her face bright with interest.

"My tía taught me how to dance when I told her I had a girlfriend, she taught me to Salsa first, of course, and then she taught me Bolero, and the Waltz.." Eddie proudly reminisces.

"She taught you really well, Buck looks like he just fried his brain." Hen laughs. Buck laughs embarrassedly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I did a little bit."

"What, want to go again, Buckley?" Eddie jokes.

"A little bit, yeah." Buck responds too quickly for it to be a joke, locking eyes with Eddie. A couple approaches the table.

They're two men, both grinning ear to ear with hands intertwined. "Hey man, we'll pay for the music machine if you two go up and dance again, your moves were brilliant." The shorter of the two men offers, holding up a five-dollar bill. Eddie shrugs.

"Sure, once the song plays, we'll go up there." Eddie promises, licking his lips teasingly and looking over at Buck, who nods with a red face.

"Awesome, thanks man." They walk off and over to the music machine.

The most perfect Rumba music starts to play, and Eddie grabs Buck again. "Do you know how to Rumba dance, Buck?" Eddie questions.

"Yeah, I do, actually."

"Hm. Don't show me up too hard, okay? I only know the basics." Eddie jokes.

"Guess it's my time to lead you then, hm?" Buck snickers, taking the position of the 'male' in the dance. Eddie happily takes the feminine role. The floor starts full, couples awkwardly dancing around each other. As the song continues, more people leave and give Eddie and Buck more space. As they leave, cheers and whooping grow louder. It takes Buck a while to realize the cheering is for them.

Blinded by confidence at this point, his movements become more impressive, and Eddie matches them. Buck is confused as to why Eddie thought his moves were any less that Buck's. The heat grows again, and the song ends, followed by a more relaxed, loving scene where couples fill in around them. Their dance ends perfectly once again, by perfectly it means that they end with their faces close together, burning hands instead finding Eddie's body.

They're positioned with Buck behind Eddie, holding his waist, but he's slightly peeking out from Eddie's right side. His head is next to his, looking over his shoulder so they can lock eyes.

"We're definitely not professional, but that was pretty good, huh?" Eddie chuckles breathlessly. Buck laughs, resting his forehead on Eddie's shoulder.

"Pretty good."


They Uber back to Eddie's house after two drinks each, and Buck sits down on Eddie's couch, prepared to fall asleep there. Eddie sits next to him. "You're a good dancer, Eddie. I've got to admit."

"You weren't so bad yourself," he teases, nudging his knee with his own.

"Seriously. I could feel the tension in the dances, it felt so romantic." Buck tips his head back, remembering.

"Its supposed to be that way, Buck."

"I felt it though, Eddie. I felt the strain, I felt the heat." Buck confesses, looking at Eddie's face, who's looking at the tv in front of them.

"It sounds like you have a crush on me."

"How can I not?" Buck asks. "How can I not have a crush on you when you pull me so close to your body and touch me with your hot hands?"

Eddie's face snaps to Buck, his eyes wide in surprise. "Buck, don't say things like that."

"Like what, Eddie?"

"Things that I want to hear but you don't mean. You've had too much to drink."

"I've had maybe two beers. And what do you mean things that you want to hear?" Buck furrows his eyebrows.

Eddie rolls his eyes, and sits up straight with exasperation and desperation. "I want to hear that you like me. That I bother you in that way, and that you want me to touch you."

"I really like you Eddie." Buck gushes.

"Stop it." Eddie interrupts, but Buck only continues.

"And it bothered me tonight."

"Buck." Eddie huffs.

"I want you to touch me, Eddie." Buck finishes. Eddie's face is red. Buck knows he meant all of it, and its finally sinking in. "I love you, Eddie."

"I love you too." His eyes are glassy, Buck realizes. He's about to open his mouth again, but Eddie surges forward and traps him in a kiss. Buck returns it without a moment's hesitation, cupping his face. Eddie's hands find Buck's hips, Buck feels the room getting hotter just the way it had when they were dancing. His heart races.

Eddie Diaz is a really good dancer.

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