You Are A Father.

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Pt. 2 of "I he were a girl" comes NEXT update. I had an epiphany while watching tiktok
Spoilers for Season 6a

Buck laid in his bed, shrinking into his mattress. His hair was messy, probably definitely greasy. His eyes ached, dried tear marks on his face.

Buck was in that slummy, depressed feeling because of Kameron and Connor. They were great people, genuinely. It wasn't about them, it was what he did for them.

Buck wanted to be a good person, so being asked to be the sperm donor for Connor and Kameron.. He didn't know how to say no. Buck tried his hardest for them, to make sure a healthy child came out for them.

Buck started to get attached to the idea of a child. The idea of a kid who would wake him up at the crack of dawn to make breakfast, or tell him to stop embarrassing him infront of their friends. Buck started to get attatched to Kameron and Connor's baby.

Bobby sat him down. It was after a nice meal Athena and Bobby made, collectively. It was getting late, Buck had to get home, he knew that. Bobby said he had something important to talk about.

Bobby told Buck that it was not his kid, and he was getting too close. Buck tried to defend himself, trying to explain that he wasn't too close, and he just cared about them. Bobby read through it, and the conversation got deeper, until something struck Buck, and he finally listened to Bobby silently.

Buck knew Bobby was right, but Bobby expected him to suddenly stand up and walk out. Bobby expected the text from Buck that he wouldn't come in to work for a while, and to find a fill in.

Bobby fully expected the depression. Bobby called Eddie a week into Buck's depression.

Eddie answered the phone. "Hey, Bobby- What's up?" He sat down on the couch next to Christopher, who was playing video games. Taking a sip from a fresh beer, he adjusted himself to properly hold the phone and the beer.

"Eddie. I'm worried about Buck." Bobby admitted, his voice sounding strong, though anyone who really knew that man would pick up on the worry in his tone.

"I am too, Bobby. He's working through some stuff." Eddie sighed, painfully aware of how his best friend was feeling, because he knew Buck wouldn't take off work for a fit of depression, this was deep.

"..Eddie I need you to talk to him. He won't return my calls, but I know he won't hang up on you." Bobby sighed audibly, sounding exhausted.

"Uh.. Yeah, sure, obviously I will- But. What would I even say to him?" Eddie questioned, taking a longer sip of his beer, catching the attention of his son, who subtly leaned in to hear Bobby on the other line.

"Whatever comes to mind." Bobby started. He sounded prepared to elaborate, but there's distant muttering in the room, and Bobby then clears his throat. "Eddie, I'm sorry for springing this on you, but I have to go. I can call you tomorrow and I can uh. Elaborate, I guess. Take care." Bobby hung up before Eddie can respond.

Eddie looked at the "call ended" screen on his phone. Christopher quickly looked back to his game, but not quick enough. Eddie caught him looking, sighing, he questioned, "How much did you hear?"

"..About half of it." The distracted preteen muttered, somewhat trying to focus on the game, embarrassed.

"Well, in that case." Eddie straightened out, putting his beer on the coffee table infront of them. "Do you have any idea of what to say to Buck?" Eddie jokingly asked. Then he paused and squinted as Christopher didn't respond.

Eddie looked at the time. 5:23. Eddie grabbed his phone and walked out to the kitchen, quickly dialing Carla's number.

Eddie politely asked Carla to come over at 5:45, due to something important that came up. Carla didn't ask, assuming that he really needed help. Carla came at 5:40.

Eddie waited the five minutes to give her a rundown of why he had to leave, and politely asked her to just watch Chris, not to worry about anything else. Carla nodded, giving him a pat on the back as he rushed out the door with the spare key to Buck's apartment.

Swinging the door open, he found a seemingly empty apartment. You would assume nobody was home if you didnt hear the angry grumble from the loft. Buck rolled over to face the direction of the door. "I told you not to come back until I left." He sighed, blinking at Eddie, who was walking up the steps.

Eddie recoiled, scrunching up his nose. "I need to talk to you, but you need to go shower before I do that, because I will throw up. You shower, and I'll do your sheets. Go." Buck didn't realize Eddie was by his closet until there are clean clothes being thrown at his head.

Buck thought to argue, but he ultimately decided against it, knowing there was no winning against Eddie. He stood up and shuffled over to his bathroom and started the shower.

Eddie quickly grabbed up the sheets, holding his breath. He carried the laundry down the hall to the thankfully empty washing machines, and started washing them, along with the sweatshirt he was then wearing. He decided that he didn't want to smell like Buck's dirty sheets.

Eddie got back to the apartment, thankfully Buck was still in the running shower. Eddie began cleaning around the loft, but there wasn't much to clean anywhere but the kitchen trash and Buck's bedroom. He took his time, setting it up to hopefully create a more comfortable setting. Buck came out of the bathroom, fresh, after 25 minutes. Satisfied, Eddie gave him a smile and cracked open two beers, leading Buck to sit with him in the living room.

On the couch that Buck finally bought.

Buck took a drink of the beer, silently thanking Eddie for cleaning up. Eddie got the hint, giving him a soft look. Domestic feeling.

"So.. uh, talking."
"Yeah. Buck-"
"I know. It isn't my kid, I need to get over it."
"Buck let me finish." Eddie looked at him in the eyes, Buck nodded, obliging. "Buck, you would be a great dad. No doubt. You love all kids like your own, you would do anything to make sure that kids don't get raised like you did. Because nobody deserves that, or did deserve that." Eddie reached over to grab Buck's hand after he set his beer down. The hand was rested ontop of Buck's thigh. Eddie put his ontop of it.

Buck smiled sadly, giving Eddie a gentle look, and the feeling in the air was warm. The feeling in the air felt like it would glow. Something was blooming, and Eddie was ready to get to his point.

"Buck. You have already helped raise a kid." Eddie stared, and Buck gave a confused look as the glowing feeling deepened, but didn't brighten. It was a soft glow, a comforting glow you get when something is beckoning you to join it, rather than dragging you in.

"You raised Christopher. You made him grow, you kept him safe and happy when I couldn't. And even while I could, you were always there for him." Buck looks ready to cut Eddie off, but Eddie doesn't stop talking. "Evan. I know you would make a great dad, because you already are one. And you have been the best co-parent I could ask for." Eddie had been looking away from Buck. He tilted his head up to lock eyes with the latter, who was glassy eyed and softly smiling.

"..You think I'm a co-parent to Chris? Eddie, I.. I was just doing what I would for anyone."

"Evan, I know that. But you have been babysitting, caring, loving him since he was about 8 years old. You swam for him while you had blood clots. You risked your life to find him at the pier. That isn't the only time you made him feel loved, Buck."

Buck was struck speechless. He could only slightly process turning his hand so he was palm-to-palm with Eddie, curling his fingers in the slots between Eddie's. He was surprised when the matched the gentle grip of his.

The glow enveloped them, the glass in Buck's eyes washed away with a blink. The glow radiated and bounced off of them, and they glowed.

They both leaned in at the same time. Buck didn't know how else to respond, but he knew this was what felt right. Taking Eddie's lean as permission, Buck led them into a gentle kiss, lasting no more than 3 seconds, before pulling back. But it wasn't uncomfortable, neither of them were embarrassed. They both knew their feelings for each other, just happy that it was finally confirmed as reciprocated.

And so, the two boys kissed again, and they kissed until Buck was ready to have a happy night's sleep, one that was as happy as the night before Bobby talked to him.

Except, that happy night would be spent at Eddie's house, with their son.

buddie one shots 💞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang