If He Was a Girl

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Hen, Karen, and Eddie sat sipping wine in the living room. Buck had took Denny and Christopher to the zoo, leaving the parents to a "deep discussion" time that they had planned weeks prior. It is now Karen and Hen's turn to therapize Eddie.

Eddie had problems with commitment, sure. But Karen and Hen knew more than Eddie, for sure. The first question in the hot seat was about what Eddie would want in a partner.

"I don't know. I guess, someone who cares for me and Christopher. Uh- Someone who doesn't care that I have an almost twelve year old son." He laughs bitterly. "Uh. Someone who understands what I went through, who is able to read me like a book."

Hen and Karen exchange a look, coming to a visible agreement without even speaking. Karen is next to speak. "Elaborate?" With the word, Hen nods.

"Someone who knows me better than I know myself. Someone who can.. I don't know. Order food for me at a restaurant. Or someone who can assure me that I'm actually okay, if I don't feel like I can." Eddie seems to come to a realization, but quickly veers it in the wrong way. "Like- If Buck was a woman, ya know?"

Hen and Karen exhange another look. It's a look that they often gave eachother if Denny needed a "teaching story." Its now Hen's turn to teach.

"When I was in 9th grade," Hen starts. Eddie slightly groans, taking a sip of wine and sinking back in the chair. "There was a young woman in my English class. Her name was Gina. It was the time of year where breakups were often, and everyone was crying over those who had partners. So, Gina asked me if I was.. into anyone. I didn't know, no guy was hot, so I just straight up told her, 'If you were a boy, I would like you.'" Hen pauses. Eddie squints, looking at Karen.

"But you like girls- Women, sorry." He catches himself, giving a careful nod toward the married couple. Hen smiles.

"I ended up dating her the next year. Turns out, her personality is what dragged me in. ..And the fact that she was a woman." Eddie blinks, but before he can respond, it's Karen's turn.

"When I was in college, it was a young woman named Amelia. We were roommates, and we met over an 'anonymous meetup.' We were bored, classes were out for the day. We did some truth or dare, which.. was very weird, looking back at it. One of the questions she asked me was if I thought I was inlove with anyone. I thought about her. I thought about her personality and our friendship. I told her, 'you. If you were a boy.'" Karen pauses for dramatic affect, and Eddie looks about ready to talk again. Karen continues. "We dated that year."

Eddie rolls his eyes. That isn't what its like with him and Buck.

Eddie sighs and leans forward, pinching his upper nose/eyebrow area. He sets his cup down and puts his arms on his lap to support him, as he's still leaning forward. "What's your point?" He asks, but he knows the answer.

"The point is that you love Buck, Eddie." Hen responds, looking serious. "And you don't have to accept it now, especially because he's coming to drop off your kid in ten minutes, but.. Keep what we said in mind. Looking forward to hearing about it at the next session." She winked teasingly, at the same time as there's a knock on the door, and then it swings open to reveal two kids and one man baby.

Buck grins at the sight of them all, and Chris and Denny run back to his room. "Sorry, I know I'm early- I figured you guys would be done a little early and they were begging me to come back here and let them play with legos." Buck spots the wine glasses. "If you're not done, I'll just leave," Buck laughs embarrassedly.

Eddie is quick to stand up with his almost empty glass, finishing it off with a quick swig. "Nah, we're done. Thanks for taking them out, Buck." Eddie gives him a slightly embarrassed smile, obviously having not processing Hen's words yet.

"Yeah, no worries! Anything for my best friends and their cute kids." Buck grinned. Eddie returned the smile, ducking into the kitchen to put his glass in the sink, then going back to Denny's room with the kids. Halfway down the hallway, her words start to wedge their way into Eddie's mind. He loves Buck? It almost doesn't sound real in his head. It doesn't sound real.. But it feels real.

Christopher lightly punches his dad, snapping him out of his thoughts. Eddie smiled at the lego sculpture, complimenting their work before disappointing them with the news that they had to go home, due to Eddie's sudden realization that he A, likes guys, and B, likes Buck. Luckily for him, the excuse that it was getting late worked plenty fine.

Walking down the hallway, he finds Buck still standing and talking with Hen and Karen. Eddie catches himself staring, suddenly enamoured with the man's stance.. or just him. Eddie hurriedly says his goodbyes, and has to almost drag away a whining Christopher from Denny. His eyes linger on Buck for a minute, then he smiles and escorts his son to his truck.

Once home, Eddie chooses to let Christopher go to bed later. He sighs to himself on the couch, pinching his nose as he did at the married couple's house. "Fuck." He muttered aloud, suddenly stressed out. "Fuck fuck fuck." He repeats, sitting back and gripping his hair, sighing.

Eddie thinks about texting Buck, telling him how grateful he is for babysitting while they had a break. He thinks about it for a long time. He grabs his phone. He easily types a 7 word thank you message.

"Thank you so much. I mean it."

He thinks about changing the words to I love you.
He sends the message without changing it.

The response came immediately, and the thoughts that stab into Eddie's heart are so tingly, he stares at it for 5 minutes before thinking to respond.

"Of course! Anything for a friend. No, best friend."

Eddie thinks he wants it to say boyfriend. Eddie thinks he wants it to be an entire paragraph confessing love. Eddie thinks about this while he types his response. Eddie thinks about it while he sends "I love you." to his best friend. Eddie thinks about it while he shuts his phone off for the night and prepares to get Chris to bed, and leave his phone out in the kitchen as he always does.

Eddie finds himself in bed at 10:45. Usually he would stay up somewhat later, to check and make sure his son was sleeping. But Eddie is so tired that he falls asleep, leaving his text message and thoughts for Buck in the night.

And then he wakes up at 5:45 again, to the sound of his blaring alarm clock, and he quickly shut it off before Christopher heard it. Eddie barely remembered the conversation with Hen and Karen. But he still remembered what he felt seeing Buck after the realization. Eddie smiled to himself as he wandered to his kitchen.

Eddie did not remember sending "I love you." to his best friend at 10:24 PM.

Seeing Buck's response light up on his phone, one sent at 10:27 PM, made his heart pound. He didn't know if it was hopeful.. or.. something else.

"I love you too, Eds."

I'll write a part two sometime bye

buddie one shots 💞जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें