Prologue: the bunker

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"Warning! Warning! Critically low energy. Activating emergency power. Activating all pods in case of occupants" announced the computer.

In the room deep within the bunker, there are three cryopods at the back. The room itself has a soft bluish light, while the middle cryopod suddenly starts glowing inside. Inside the middle cryopod, there is a man no older than twenty one years old sleeping. He has pink skin and yellow hair. He wore nothing but white underwear, a harness that keeps him suspended (in case if there's an earthquake), electrodes that are glued to his chest to monitor his heart beat, and an oxygen mask for breathing.

The moment that the air gets warmer inside the cryopod, the man gasped for air as his blue eyes opened. His eyes darted about, looking around his surroundings while breathing heavily. He immediately reached his hand over his oxygen mask and peeled it off his face, trying not to panic. He looked through the window of his pod, and sees the room with the blue light. Then he bared his teeth as he struggled to push himself in order to detach the harness he is wearing from the pod itself, even though he is few inches off the floor of the pod.

"Try not to panic, remember your training. There must be something to do for me to keep calm" he thought to himself.

He stopped pushing to conserve energy, then he tapped his bare left foot on the floor to see if there's a hidden button to release the harness. He looked at his arms and looked down at his legs, he can see that his skin is shiny and his veins are visible, not to mention that it felt rubbery when he brushed his hands on himself. This was no doubt the side effects of being in hypersleep, and apparently having tubes with chemical liquids attached to both of his arms.

"Fantastic, I can see my veins and my skin is shiny and rubbery. Why do these chemical shit that these tubes contain affect me?" He thought to himself sarcastically.

Then he felt a button brushed against the bottom of his right foot, so he stomped on it. The harness detached itself from the pod, causing him to fall on his feet. He shakily stood while placing his left hand on the pod to keep himself from collapsing, since it's been awhile the last time he stood and the fact that his legs barely have enough strength.


The cryopod lid slid open while letting out a hissing sound, thus letting him out. The air outside doesn't feel any different from within the pod, to him, it felt slightly cool. He slowly took one foot step out of the pod, and the floor felt cool beneath his bare right foot. Then he moved his left foot in order to come out of the cryopod, he almost collapsed the moment he got out. Luckily, he held on the edge of the pod to keep himself from falling on the ground.

"Freedom" he said in his head.

He grabbed one tube that has yellow liquid and tear it out of his right on, causing him to grunt in pain. He did the same thing to the tube on his left arm, and it felt painful. Afterwards, he unbuckled the harness he was wearing and took it off. He looked at both sides of the room, he can see two pods at both sides of his, but other than that there were computers in front of the pods as well as a door behind.

"Where is everyone?" He asked in his head.

He checked the cryopod to the right to see if there's anyone inside, but it's empty. All he can hear is the computers and the cryopods running, his heavy breathing, and the sound of his bare feet as he walked over to the left cryopod. He checked inside, but like the other cryopod, it was empty except an oxygen mask that hangs. Suddenly, the sound of his pod closing spooked him, even though it didn't close all the way as the lid sparked before stopping. He went over to his pod, and saw a name on the window.

"Sergeant... Cooper..." he said in a weak voice, as if he hasn't talked in a long time.

He felt relieved that his name is Cooper, rather than something embarrassing. He bent down and reached his hand into his pod, pulled out the oxygen mask that he was wearing while in hypersleep, detached the tubes that were used to pump oxygen for him to breath, and put it back on his face. After that, he walked over to the computers to check the data. However, the keyboards were dusty along with the screen, so he wiped the dust off before turning it on. On the computer, he can see his profile and the time he was in hypersleep. He started to remember the day before the war, of how the general tasked him and the other two soldiers to wake up after the war. That was the moment, and his eyes widen from surprised when he saw the current date.

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