- Chapter 19 -

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"Aliana Rogers and Chase Ledger please go to the Commander's office

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"Aliana Rogers and Chase Ledger please go to the Commander's office."


"Aliana Rogers and Chase Ledger please go to the Commander's office."


"Aliana Rogers and Chase Ledger please go to the Commander's office."

Millions of dark brown, ocean blue, sky gray, forest green eyes stared at us. I only looked for ones.

Sadly, Jake was nowhere in sight.

Chase and I moved down the bright lit hallway, surrounded by the trainers and newbies of Ground Zero. Not only did the Commander know we were out the whole night but so did everyone else. Their expressions varied from curious, to angry, to fearful.

I noticed Dylan and Cody in the front of the crowd, giving knowing glances to Chase. I couldn't figure out what they were thinking but Chase didn't give them much attention. He looked at them and then continued to stare at the front.

As he kept his walls up, I was looking around, paying attention to every face we passed. There were only some that were familiar. Kana stared at both of us, her expression gluing to Chase for a little longer. Her blue eyes struck in anger. She turned around, pushing two girls blocking her way from leaving.

I saw Marine. Her icy, wide eyes were glued at our tattered clothes, noticing dried blood all over Chase's body. She looked at me, and I understood her question. I nodded, assuring her we were fine.

"Can you not?" Chase whispered and I snapped my head to look at him. He was composed, but his voice was furious.

Furious at me.

"What did I do?" I asked, confused at his sudden outburst. Right before we entered the building, it seemed like we were finally getting on good terms.

"Just keep walking and stop looking at everybody."

And it struck me why he was so exasperated. I walked right alongside him, defeated, bloodied, tired; letting all of them see us together. Letting all of them see me with him. A newbie with the leader of the trainers.

He was embarrassed to be seen with me.

I hung my head down, looking at the cemented floor. We moved fast, ignoring the judgmental and hushed whispers about us. I felt a sting of hurt pinching me, continuously.

Why did I care about what Chase thought, anyways?

We finally reached the elevator and Chase took out his key card, scanning it over. I ignored the frustration infusing into my bloodstream.

I don't even have the key card. If the Commander wants me to be with the trainers, shouldn't he treat me like one? But I know that even he doesn't believe I'm ready. Nobody does.

The door opened and we stepped inside. Our backs faced the crowd that continued to watch our every move. Thankfully, the doors shut as quickly as they opened.

Our backs were turned on one another. I stared at the number rising, why did it go so slow? The elevator held a weird, vague, suffocating air. I wanted to get out. To not be so close to Chase.

I felt so self - conscious. Or what better word is there? Ashamed, maybe? Humiliated?

How could you think Chase Ledger could ever think about you in any other way than a newbie he is assigned to train? You are never going to become friends. That one has been obvious since the beginning.

Finally, finally the doors opened.

Chase stepped out quicker than I tried to, muttering a reminder, "You just nod at what I say, remember that."

The man in front of us sent a shiver up my spine. My mouth went dry the moment I crossed his gray eyes. To my surprise, they weren't angry.

"Mr. Ledger," he began, his smile wide and welcoming. He motioned at the two chairs in front of his working desk, "Ms. Rodgers. Sit."

We did, anticipating his outburst any moment. Chase didn't have to worry about me speaking, I was already terrified that I didn't trust my own voice.

"First, are you both well?" He observed us, searching for any scratch or a bite. He held his gaze at Chase's leg for a bit longer. Any contact and injury faced by the Infected, no matter how small it was, was life threatening.

Chase noticed, "I twisted my ankle on the way back. I'm fine. I'll go to the medical office after this for a check - up."

"I'm afraid both of you will need to be examined...For safety purposes."

I nodded, while Chase spoke, "Commander, we are sorry. We know it was against the rules, and we - I, set a bad example for the rest of them all here."

Something indescribable flashed through the Commander's eyes but he still managed to keep a cool demeanor. He pulled his hand up, silencing Chase, "While that may be true, it is going to be easy putting everything in order again. After all, no one knows about what happened last night. People can only assume. And the assumptions and rumors never last long."

Chase agreed, continuing, "Right. We went to train, I figured it was for the best for Aliana to be more out in the open. We didn't go that far but there were too many of them and we had to seek shelter."

"Whatever happened last night, it was an anomaly," Commander spoke, understanding of our circumstances. Somehow, he believed Chase; looked up to him. "This is an abnormal time for all of us. Everyone is uneasy. Scared. Distraught." His gaze leaves Chase and lands on me, "Wouldn't you agree Aliana?"

I shifted in my seat, choking out a nod.

The Commander removed the invisible dust from his folders, leaning back into his leather chair. "However, I see it only fitting for you to be assigned duties for your violation of the rules."

Violation of the rules.

Our infraction last night.

Our punishment.

"And what's that?" Chase remained untroubled which did ease my undying nerves. He already suspected this to happen.

"After the curfew, you will work in the left wing of the first floor. You will repaint, clean and fix it in the next seven days. Together."

"Is that all?" Chase asked tightly. His tone switched in an instant. He was not expecting this. And for some reason it did bother him.

"You will start as early as tonight. You are dismissed."

Aliana and Chase working together? Doesn't seem like a good combination

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Aliana and Chase working together? Doesn't seem like a good combination...

Next chapter is already written but I'll be waiting a little to publish it. Votes, comments and shares are always welcomed and appreciated. If you enjoy this book and want to be reminded of each chapter that is being published, click that follow button for the announcements.

Thank you for reading <33

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