"Not a date"

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The excitement pulsing through Kates veins were enough to keep her going for 3 marathons in a row.

The feelings that Lena, proceeded to pump into her were only growing and tonight was the first night she could truly treat such a lady.

As friends, of course.

The last bell of the day finally rings and the day now really begins to her.

The giant flood of teenage girls enter the hallway, whispers of gossip, and the stench of expensive perfume is permanently burned in Kate nose.

It's enough to overwhelm any normal person looking for such a small person in the crowd, yet, she's there.

Surrounded, but there, a sore thumb in them. She holds her head higher, her shoulders pulled back, her hair pulled into a braid of perfection not a single hair twinging from it.

The generic school uniform she somehow spiced up, to the folds in her sleeve down to the skirt that hugged her gorgeous thighs.

Kates quick to meet her by one of the lockers following her bouncy walk, her backpack is a neat green and It rests on only one of her shoulders much like Kates.

Kate takes advantage of her behind position where Lena cannot see she pulls on one of the strings on her bag.

Lena is quick to react grabbing Kate's arm with ease and twisting it into a painful position before slamming her body Into the locker.

All the wind is quickly knocked out of Kate and a new weight is being put on her body. Its Lena faces inches away from each other, her arm pushed up against Kate's neck.

Lena blinks and slowly lets go, Kate grabs her hand though, because honestly thats the closet they've ever been.

Breathing in each others air.

"You take classes?" Kate finally asks her body still slammed on the locker.

Lena nods, now backing up completely shaking off Kate's hand.

Kate thinks that maybe just like her Lena had a traumatic experience where she needed to fight and she couldn't, was so helpless that even the slightest thing that seemed like a fight she'd fight it.

Or maybe it was abuse where she had to protect herself.

Kate would never know because that stupid smile that covered everything up was back on her face an apology given but Kate just shook her head.

"Nah. Its a Russian thing to go all ninja I get it."

Lena sent her a small smile, Kate can't tell if it's because she enjoys her playful comments or because something ran so deep into Lena's past that she felt threaten by Kate.

The walk to the first part of their little hangout was hard to adjust to after the tension that pulled from their little locker incident (what's with them and lockers) but Kate's the first to break it.

"This is the perfect place for part one of our not a date."

Kate guided her hand to Lena's shoulder stopping them both right in front of the local grocery store.

Kate had grin plastered so wide on her face while Lena was matched with a frown.

"Kate Bishop this is a store?"

Kate shakes her head, "This Lena Frost is the store."

The store that little Kate had grown up in. Everyday after school walking to this very store taking the money she was supposed to use for school lunches to buy a simple candy bar, and share with the store owner.

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