
While the sun was still coming up, Bow dropped herself off at the wrong bus stop, and the rain stopped dripping. Although this didn't matter to Bow, and knows she was close to the area or at least thought so. Seeing the house from afar, all burned up and destroyed, she knew it was there. She knew Paintbrush was there, and with no time to waste, she ran. At the same time, Microphone was running too, but in the opposite direction from Bow. She was also on the same path, her heart was racing, and her legs were getting tired. Eventually, she stopped running and started walking, knowing she is far away now. Bow stopped running too and saw Microphone. They both saw eye to eye and, without a second thought, Microphone waved at Bow with a greeting. Bow waved back too but remained with a heavyhearted face. This concerned Microphone, and she walks over to Bow, "Hey, is everything okay?" She bent one of her legs while slightly crouching, and let out a hand to Bow.
"Well…Remember how I do my commercials?" said Bow while Microphone nodded.
"Well. One day. I was insulting Bot, and I shouldn't have done that, but I'm clumsy at times. Then. Paintbrush showed up. T-Then…then…I'm ashamed." Microphone remained quiet while Bow slowly started crying. Out of nowhere, Microphone hugged Bow for a few seconds and let her go.
"I'm guessing things didn't go well. Bow. But you're young. It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes."

The wind was moving harder and without a second notice, Paintbrush teleported right behind Bow. Paintbrush looked worse than usual, their wooden body was thinner, their eyes were dry out, and their teeth were filthier. The paintbrush holds Bow's fins and twists them aggressively. Bow screams, but stops screaming after Paintbrush ripped out her tongue. Blood was dripping on the grass, and splatter all over the place. Paintbrush pushes Bow to the ground, and steps on her head so hard that it breaks. The brain was coming out, and more blood splattered all over the grass.
"CASTAWAY, CASTAWAY, CASTAWAY. OFF YOU GO, OFF YOU GO, OFF YOU GO. HAHAHAHA!!" yelled Paintbrush maniacally. Microphone backed away from the scene, and was horrified by what she saw. Her body was shaking badly and her heart was racing fast. That's when Paintbrush realized Microphone witnessed the entire scene with her very own eyes. While Microphone was now running, so was Paintbrush. Creating a chase between the two of them, and she was running back to the location where it all began.

Paintbrush's house.

Their hair was lighting up, and their screaming was getting louder. The smoke was rising to the sky of an ongoing fire. Microphone was still running, and thought hope was lost until she saw the woods. Without a chance to lose, Microphone crossed over the road, and went through the bushes of the forest. Paintbrush was still far away from her view but stopped running, and the fire on top of their head went out. They knew Microphone was already deep into the woods, and it would be harder to find her. Paintbrush also didn't want to torture Microphone. They used to be friends back in the games, so why bother killing her too?

They thought.

A police car was driving on the lane passing by some trees and landscapes. In the car were two officers, and Cabby in the back seat. Her wheels sit on the seat, and silence throughout the car. The only sounds that can be heard are the car wheels, and everyone slowly bouncing up and down. Cabby was looking out the window since she has nothing else to do. She was looking at the sky, the grass of the landscapes, and the rocky road. Eventually, from afar, Cabby saw the burnt house from before and knew she was at the location. The officers also saw it too, they made a stop near the area quickly and got out.
"Oh my god!" said one of the officers. Cabby tries to leave the car, but the door is locked.
"Um, hello?" said Cabby now confused. One of the officers turned around and smiled at Cabby.
"Don't worry, Cabby. We got this." Cabby then realized she wasn't getting out until the coast was clear. Once the officers looked around, behind a half-destroyed wall, Paintbrush came out of it screaming. The officers lift their guns, and point at Paintbrush. The paintbrush just stood there with their crooked smile and heavy breathing. This scared one of the officers since they were shaking badly.
"Okay. Paintbrush. We know what's going on. We just want to help you," said one of the officers.
"SCREW YOU!!" responded Paintbrush while shaking their hair and moving their head back and forth.
"Paintbrush. Please." The officers were getting closer to Paintbrush, so they could corner them.
"LIES, LIES, AND LIES!!!" Paintbrush went on and on while the officers were getting closer and closer. Once the officers corner Paintbrush to the wall, their arms start to twitch. They were getting nervous, and the minute one of the officers got even closer. Paintbrush reached their arm and slammed them to the ground back and forth. The other officer pulled the trigger and shot Paintbrush in the stomach.

Paintbrush lay flat on the floor and so did the officer who got attacked by them. Blood leaked through the pointy grass and soft wind. The other officer rushed over to their buddy, and they tried to wake them up. Unfortunately, they realized that Paintbrush finished them off completely. Paintbrush on the other hand was coughing hard, but slowly passed out.
"PAINTBRUSH!!" yelled Microphone, getting out of the woods. She was secretly hiding behind a huge bush just to make sure Paintbrush wasn't alone. She stepped onto the sticks from the grass while running. The alive officer pointed the gun at Microphone so she slowed down.
"Please." said Microphone with a tired-out voice. They lowered their gun, and Microphone got closer to the passed-out paintbrush. She slightly lifted them with her arms and hugged them.
"Paintbrush. I know we just met for a couple of months but…I just wanted to let you know. I still care about you." Microphone let down a tear, and just stood there with Paintbrush. Eventually, Cabby broke through the door and raced over to the scene. Seeing what just happened, she looked over to Microphone. The microphone looked back to Cabby and knew right away she didn't want this to happen. Cabby got closer to Microphone and just stood there with her. Everyone stayed in their positions until an ambulance came around. Later in the day, Paintbrush was in a hospital bed while Microphone on a chair was right next to them. The monitor was beeping, the wires on the white hospital bed, and tissues on the tile floor.

She was hoping for the best, but everything didn't go as planned.



Cabby finds Bow who tells her about missing Marshmallow and Apple, both of whom died, and regrets being rude to Paintbrush. The file cabinet comforts her, and Bow leaves to take the bus to Paintbrush's house despite knowing the consequences. Bow didn't care much about her life, and Cabby waited for another bus to speed up since she is far from Paintbrush. Meanwhile, Bow finds Microphone, Bow tells her the same, but Paintbrush, out of nowhere, murders Bow. Microphone freaked out and hid as Paintbrush tried to find her, but changed their mind because of the friendship they had before. The police came with Cabby in the car, Paintbrush attacked and got shot at. Microphone and Cabby were saddened by it and, later in the day, Paintbrush was in the hospital.


Word Count: 1,940

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