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a/n: heypooks!


I don't know how long I cried for, but I couldn't stop crying.

I felt so sad and angry.

My heart felt heavy, my body felt weak.

I felt hopeless.

Tyler fucked up my mental, bad. And I still fucking like him.

Do I not have self respect? Did my mom not teach me good enough?

Was I just stupid for letting this happen?

I can just hear Kylie's voice in my head going, "I told you so."

You were so right.

You were so so right.

And I'm so sorry I didn't listen.

I took out my phone, and blocked his number.

I needed to stop this.

I just don't know how I'm going to avoid him later.

"Yo?" I heard a deep voice say from my right. I turn my head fast and look up at the person.

It was a guy. He looked new. He was lightskinned with curly hair. It was like a big afro, he had a lot of hair.

The guy was holding his hair up with his hand so he could see me better, he was holding his bookbag in the other.

I quickly stand up and wipe under my eye. I was embarrassed, I probably looked embarrassing.

The guy wasn't even ugly, he was very cute. He had a brow slit, a tamed mustache. His eyes was light, almost like a hazel.

"My bad," I apologized, clearing my hoarse throat. "I didn't know anyone was here."

"Nah, you good." He took a step closer dropping his hand, I tensed and looked away. "You straight?"

He asked, the curiosity in his voice made me want to answer. He sound so concerned.

I nodded and wiped a tear that fell. The guy still stood there, he didn't say anything after.

For a couple of seconds it was silence. My thoughts got the best of me and started talking.

You're so stupid!

Why did you have to go and make him mad?

This is why you're not liked!

You really think this person give a shit about you?

He don't!

Nobody cares about you!

"Did you hear me?" The guy said, interrupting my thoughts.

I snapped my head to him, "Huh?"

He furrowed his brows at me, he eyes was moving. He was looking at every inch of my face.

I grew uncomfortable, it reminded me of the way Tyler looked at me.

"You sure you good?" The guy asked again. Once again, the concern and curiosity in his voice made me want to answer.

But I just nodded because I already know if I responded out loud, it would be a lie.

"Ight..." He trailed off, he looked around then at the piece of paper he had in his hand. I didn't even notice it.

"Can you show me where my next class is?" He asked, looking up from his paper up at me.

"Mhm." I hummed and held out my hand to grab the paper. I looked at it and the guy came close to my side and pointed at his next class.

He smelled good, really good.

He smelled clean and different. I don't know.

I got a little nervous because he was so close. I don't know how to feel.

I snapped back and looked at what he was pointing at. I read the printed words and realized I had the same class.

"It's down the hall." I pointed down the hall, unnoticeably stepping away from him.

He looked in that direction then back at the paper, seeming to be more confused.

"Thanks.." he looked back at me and his eyes got me in a trance, but not for long. He walked in that direction soon later.

I stared at him until he disappeared into the class.

I let out a sigh, I didn't even get his name.

I decided I wasn't going to the rest of my classes and just sit here.

I wasn't going back to that class to get my belongings.

I sat back down and let the silence take over, letting my thoughts run.

Isn't it peaceful?

Thank you sm for 100+ reads!! This book is growing fast and I love you all who took a chance to read the first chapter at least!

I wanted to give special creds to -GIMMESUMFACE bc she has been so supportive and so helpful towards me. I'm actually very happy to call her my friend bc she has been helping me a lot. Your comments makee smile and I know I have to update just so I can read them. Also go read her books, she is a amazing writer and I love reading her books. Ily mlll <3!!

Okay bye, cya in a month for a update. Jkkk xD

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