02. Whispers in My Heart

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What happened to Charlie was probably like what happens to most people. But instead of one single incident, a series of events unfolded. One thing led to another, turn after turn, twist after twist. For all the happenings, there must be a beginning. First, there was the car accident.

So, Charlie was hit by a car, a fancy Tesla, actually. It was believed that he got drunk and did not notice the quietly moving Tesla while he was looking for his own car in the parking lot. He fell and hit his head and was immediately sent to the hospital. At first, everyone thought he was going to die or become a vegetable, so it was quite the commotion with tears and drama. Then, all of a sudden, he regained consciousness, but this caused a different kind of commotion – one with even more tears and drama. It seemed to be a happy ending after all..., but it turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare.

From the outside, Charlie did not seem too affected, a subtle scar that didn't impair his handsome face was all that had changed. However, on the inside, he had totally changed. He changed so much that his family and friends hardly recognized him.

First of all, he lost his memory of the past ten or eleven years. A decade erased. Not a single memory remained.

"Oh Charlie! Are you sure you can't remember anything? Anything at all?"

"No, I really can't!" said Charlie, looking confused and frustrated.

"So what do you remember? What's the last thing that you remember?"

"I don't know..., I just graduated from college?"

"Oh gosh..."

He couldn't remember anything from the past ten years, not to mention the car accident he had just been in. He had no clue about what happened and why he was in the hospital. He couldn't remember his job as a professional investor and the small company he owned, nor his luxurious apartment with modern interior decoration and tasteful furniture. Shiny watches, dashing sports cars, expensive suits, he literally forgot all of them. He didn't remember anything about COVID, crypto, or the historical market high. He had no idea about who he had become. His parents and friends had to fill in the gaps and that was an extremely frustrating process... with the occasional hilarious conversation.

"So who's the last president you remember?"

"Uh, Obama?"

"Yes, Obama... Okay..."

"So he's not the president anymore?"

"No, not anymore."

"He finished his term? Two terms?"

"Yes, he did."

"So who came after Obama?"

"Uh..., you know Trump, right?"

"Trump?! Donald Trump?!"


"Donald Trump from the TV show?"

"Yes, that's him."

"So he's the president now?"

"No, he isn't. Not anymore."

"Not anymore?"

"Yes, he was a one term president."

"So who is the president now?"

"You know Biden, right?"

"Joe Biden? The vice president?"


"Joe Biden, really? You're not joking, right?"

"Um..., no, I'm not joking..."

After a brief moment of silence, with abundant confusion, Charlie asked, "But what happened to Hilary Clinton?"

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