Chapter 15

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It was gone from where he had put it hours earlier. "SCOTT! DID YOU MOVE MY CRYSTAL?" Xornoth yelled at his brother " What, no! I didn't." "Then why has it disappeared?" Xornoth watched as Scott looked over from where he was sat. "You already have it!" "What? I never picked it up." "Well, you have and its around you neck."

Xornoth lifted his hand and felt around his chest. It was indeed around his neck and resting on his chest. "Oh..." as his fingers traced the chain, he reached his collarbone and pulled his hand way fast. It was hot, but only to his hand, not his chest.

Moving his hand back to the bookshelf, he found the book he sat the crystal at before. After picking it up and walking over to his bed, he finally looked at what the book was. 'Elvish folklore and prophecies' is what he had picked up. The cover looked old, as if it were thousands of years old, the book had a leather cover over it. On the front had a pair of stag horns one a blue and the other a red, but both had golden edging. Spinning the book onto its side he inspected the spine. All the markings along it where glowing red, but the same blue flowed onto the edges at the top. The marking almost looking alive. 

Xornoth opened the book. It was written in elvish.

@ 81x# x2H+ aqDp'B5^+ yj%° zjdE= 5^È ev%1x%P e6N qyN6V= oj%L @ 3N6V iT ev%1x%P e6N @ jeBË W 3hV6 e7lT2P+ ' (The stag gods champions will clash, one fighting for power, while the other is fighting for the life of their friends)' Strange. 

' z6Ù81j#_ yj%° w'Ë xr%5$ 1'N 'VaD W 3t$= 72R e6N qyN6V= wj'MË e6N q71NzF1'B5^- 3hV yj%° 9r#È 1'N w'Ë z7EeVj& iE 9j^2x%P @ 72R e6N 1'N jxYP yj%° zyE8Ê @ 9j^26V 1'N w'Ë z7N;qN12R- ' (Crystals will be given to each of them, red for power, blue for protection. They will have to be careful as holding the red for to long will cause the holder to be corrupted.)

' 5^È z5# 51N jr%È oj%L @ 3N6V 86Mrr%iV- e6N 5^È 1'N 2lT 3hV w3N 5'V2R 1'N 2lT- ' (One can not live while the other survives. for one to die they both need to die.)

Why would both of us need to die though? Even though we are twins our lives shouldn't be connected. We're two different people. And we have different fates, right?


This is one long chapter, all of the elvish is actually translated from a website. (it looks better on the website though). Thank you for all the reads. Before I went on holiday I was roughly at 130 and when I came back I was over 200. So thankyou so very much. 

Word count- 468

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