Chapter 4

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Xornoth whips his head around. He could of sworn he heard a voice, but no one was there. He shrugs it of and goes downstairs.

"Xornoth," His mother calls, although it doesn't quite sound like her, " Where are you going?"
"I'd like to meet up with my friends," He replied with a smile.

"Oh ok, bye."

And with those last few words he left. Running down and across the bridge that leads to the enchanting tower. He opens his  large, dark, black wings that fade into a dark red. Taking off from the ground in one, strong flap.

Flying lower to the ground he watched as The Undergrove slowly formed into view. Fluttering his wings as he landed to stop him from crashing on the ground. They had agreed that Xornoth was going to pick Shubble up from her empire and then they where going to travel to The Lost Empire to meet with Joey.

Smiling at the thought of seeing Joey, he walked up to Shelby's mushroom home and knocking on the door. Shelby opened the door and smiled when she saw her friend.

"Hey Xornoth." Shubble said 


"Mum, Xornoth is here. I'm going now bye." And with that she slammed the door shut.

"Ready to go then" Xornoth chuckled, noticing how Shelby didn't even wait for a reply. 

"Yep, my mum said to just let her know when you are here and then leave." She giggled.

They walked over to the jungle, where The Lost Empire was situated. Talking and chatting for the journey.

"Hey Xornoth."


"How's Scott?"

Xornoth's face pales.

"Did I say something? I'm sorry if I did." Shubble quickly says.

"No, don't worry about it. He just kind of got yelled at and he left straight after that."



Yep another chapter where I'm on call with my friend. =D. Another chapter in a row. I'm happy. But idk if I'm doing another tonight. Byeeeeeeeeee

word count: 308

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