''Give me fucking break!...'' Envy screamed turning off his phone, glancing at Greed to do the same with Roy looking at the palm haired male who wiped at his eye, ''My bitch of a mother is just a fucking deadbeat, she never gave two shits about me. Reason why I moved in with Greed in 8'th grade. And guess what? She didn't give a shit and completely forgot about me.'' Envy said in a bitter tone. ''Her loss. Also shows who they are as a person.'' Roy said glancing up to Greed, ''If I may ask, how long have you two been together?'' He asked seeing the spiky haired male think for a moment, ''Today actually makes 16 years together.'' He said taking Roy by complete surprise, ''SIXTEEN YEARS?!" The older male said shocked. ''Yeah, we've been dating since 6'th grade, I'm a year older. Envy is 27 and I'm 28.'' Greed explained with Roy having to take a moment to process it, but quickly compose himself, ''Congratulations.'' The older male said kindly before getting serious again, ''What really set you off, Envy. Greed seems to know.''. Both males stood quiet at how blunt and straightforward the usually nervous male was, surprised by how observant he was, ''...I got fired from my job a little over a week ago... My shitty boss wasn't having it that I wasn't letting him sexually harass me. So, he fired me... I've been looking for jobs, but I haven't had any luck, and it's been frustrating the fuck out of me.'' Envy said quietly. ''Fullmetal made you snap quicker taking out his bad mood on you...'' The older male said feeling exhausted, ''Your family loves you a lot, a lot more than you think. Your father is trying is his best, it's not his best mind you... But he's really trying, Envy. Alphonse cares you, even Fullmetal.'' Roy said seeing Envy scrunch his face bothered. ''Look, I know it doesn't seem like it, but he really does care for you. Fullmetal is just... Complicated... He's kind of like a cat. Still, that doesn't excuse that he lives in his own self-absorbed bubble, ignoring everyone else's problems.'' Roy said with a sigh, ''I'm sure he feels bad too, you two should make up soon, yeah?'' Roy said looking up with a tired smile, ''Yeah... You're right...'' Envy said hating that Roy took time out of his night to fix things.

''Hey Greed, Let's go. This guy is really tired.'' The small male said getting off the chair, ''Hey Envy.'' Roy's voice called out, making Envy stop behind his boyfriend, ''You stay here, your boyfriend can go on ahead home. I'll make it up to you two soon, yeah?'' The older male said seeing both boyfriends look at one another, before seeing Envy gently tap Greed's chest. ''I'll see you tomorrow, Greed.'' Envy said with Greed nodding before grabbing the small male by his waist and kissing him tenderly making Roy a bit jealous at how lovey dovey the couple was but went over to open the door seeing Envy clear his throat embarrassed after Greed let go and left, ''You know, you could have left with Greed, he doesn't live that far from you.''. ''I'm taking you back home.'' Roy said with a kind smile, ''Just say you don't trust me.'', ''We both know it's not you.'' The older male said seeing Envy look surprised but actually laugh, ''Hey Mustang, can I ask you something? You're just like me, but you're more...'', ''Scared?'' Roy said seeing the male hesitate but nod quietly, ''You're observant... I do have my reasons... I'll tell you one day.'' Roy said patting Envy on the head seeing him get embarrassed. ''Can I ask you something else?'', ''Of course.'', ''Why the pet name Fullmetal, for my brother?'' Envy asked seeing Roy point to his arm and leg, ''It sounds heavy and metallic, plus when we... Well... You already know... His hand was really cold.'' The older male said seeing Envy be casual about it, ''I get it... It's still tacky though.'' Envy said simply as both males decided to finally leave and head back to the worried household. "I called Greed, but his phone is off, so is Envy's.'' Alphonse said with a sigh with Hohenheim sighing, and Edward sitting on the couch grouchy with his lip bandaged and his lip piercing off with his arms crossed, ''I really wish Trisha was here to help me out here, she always knew what to do when something went wrong...'' The father said tiredly making Edward think of what Envy said to him. ''...Maybe you should have left Envy alone in the first place? I mean I have no issues with him, but it seems like brother does..." Alphonse said hurting Edward's feelings at the fact that they thought he hated his half-brother, "Mustang gets me grumpy, and I took it out on Envy, it was nothing against Envy..." The small blond thought scrunching his face, ''I kind of wished Roy would have let Envy beat up Ed more, he's had it coming for a long time.'' The younger brother said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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