July 24th 1984

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The first day of camp was great

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The first day of camp was great. Lexi and Max reunited. Not only the first day, but the whole week Max was there, until Max broke the news and told Lexi that she's moving in october, so she won't be there next year.

The next week was okay. Lexi loved the camp, but it was different, since Max left and Lexi knew, she'll never come back again. Sure, they can visit each other sometime, but it wasn't that easy.

July 24th was like a normal day. Until the evening. "Hey Sam, do you know where Josh is?" Lexi asked and Samantha shrugged. "No idea, haven't seen him all day." Lexi furrowed her brows. That was weird.

Josh is a counsealor, so he had to be around all the time. Lexi was worried so she went to his cabin. He could be sick or something. She knocked on the wood but was met with no reply. "Josh? Josh!" She opened the door and the first thing she noticed was, that it was insanely cold.

The AC was running and Lexi immediatelly turned it off. "Josh?" A shiver ran down her spine. "Josh?" Since it was dark, she turned on the light and saw a diary on his bed. She picked it up and read.

Day one after seeing the shadow: I feel sweaty and my nosebleeds. I don't know what's going on and I'm afraid of hurting someone, because of the voices. When I last saw Lexi, the voices got louder. I'm worried for her safety.

Day two after seeing the shadow: I'm starting to have flashbacks to what happened the night. I remember the shadow in the basement and it flew towards me. I'm even more sweaty and the nosebleeds are worse now. More frequent. The voice keeps telling me to find Lexi. I don't know what's happening. I might need help, but I don't know how to ask for it. No one's gonna believe me.

Day three wasn't there yet and Lexi knew why. Today was day three. She looked down at the diary and noticed blood on it. She wiped her nose and saw red. Her  blood. The door flew open and Lexi flinched. Josh stood in the doorway and looked sick. "Josh, what's this?" She showed him the diary.

"How did you find this?" He was breathing through his mouth as he was sweating. "Josh, what's going on?" She asked, carefully. "You should have never come here." He didn't sound like himself anymore.

"What? What do you mean? Josh, what's going on?" He walked towards her. "I'm sorry Lexi. I have no other choice."  A tear fell from his eye as he swung a knife directly to her face. Lexi luckily dodged it and ran out of the cabin.

"Help! Someone help me please!" She yelled as she ran. It was late, so everyone was in their cabins. Sleeping, probably. Kurt, another counsealor ran towards her and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"What's going on? Why are you yelling?" He searched her tear stained face for answers. "Josh. It's Josh. Something's wrong with him." She sobbed. "What do you mean 'something's wrong with Josh'?" He lightly shook her. "I don't know, okay? He tried to kill me."

Lexi heard something and saw Josh standing behind Kurt. "Kurt, watch out!" He turned around and saw Josh. "Hey man, what's wrong with you?" Josh just raised his new found axe and slashed it across his body.

Kurt fell to the ground and Lexi let out a scream. Josh looked at her and Lexi began running. She ran to her favourite place. The plant room. She locked the door and hid as she prayed for her life.

"Oh shit!" She cursed as she realized, that she's not alone in the camp. There are little kids, that are in danger. She needs to call help. The only phone is in the cafeteria, which is across the whole camp.

But suddenly, she heard a bang, which made her jump. She wiped her tears and looke at the door from her hiding spot. She saw an axe trying to make it's way into the cabin. She tried to calm down and be quite as Josh walked in.

He walked around and looked for Lexi. But then, he pulled her up by her hair as she screamed. She kicked him in the face, which made him stumble as she tried to run out of the door.

He grabbed her by the ankle and she fell. He tried to stab her, but she blocked the knife with her hand, which sliced through her hand.  Lexi cried out as she tried to get away from his hold. Eventually she was met with success as she ran out of the room straight to the cafeteria.

Lexi picked up the phone and dialed 911. During a coversation with the woman on the other line, the door was bein torn off by Josh. "He's here. I need to go. Hurry." She hung up. Lexi knew better than to try to fight him weaponless, so she jumped out of the window of the cafeteria and jumped in the window of the kitchen.

She took out a knife and heated it. Soon, Josh made his way into the kitchen and Lexi hid in a cabinet that she found. She waited for him to pass her. When he did, she knew what she had to do. It was time to attack.

Lexi mentally prepared herself and slowly opened the cabinet. She sneaked behind him. He kept walking and Lexi let out a battle cry as she stabbed him in the back. She twisted the knife and dropped his axe.

He grabbed her by the neck and Lexi thought it was the end, until something woke up inside of her. She began stabbing him in the stomach. He weakly picked up the axe and swung it. Lexi moved but it still cut her stomach.

She forced herself to stand up and finish the job. She picked up the knife and ended the life of Josh Miles with one last cut across his neck. Lexi fell to her knees and began crying. She hugged him for the last time. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", but failed to notice some black mist leaving his body.

She cried until the police and ambulances came and forced her off of Josh. They treated her wounds, but she felt numb. So she ended up sitting in the driveway of the camp, wrapped in a blanket as she watched the other kids leave with their parents, since the doctors wouldn't let her parents pick her up.

And that was the downfall of Lexi Hopper.

leťs pretend that Josh looks like Tommy Slater, so editing will be easier for me  - Luce<3

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