CHAPTER SEVEN: the hospital.

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"Tom? Heather?" Nancy called out as soon as they got to the Holloway's house

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"Tom? Heather?" Nancy called out as soon as they got to the Holloway's house. "Jesus, it's freezing." Lexi complained and Max offered the blonde her hand. Lucas noticed this and felt jealous. Lexi was still on edge, since she told them the story, so she accepted it.

"Do you guys smell that?" Mike asked them. "Oh. Oh, God. More chemicals. You think they're guzzling this shit?" They looked at each other.  "Yeah, either that or they just went on a hell of a cleaning spree."

"But last year, Will didn't eat chemicals. Did you?" Lexi asked. "No. This is something new." He shook his head. "Mr. Clarke, fifth grade. Posit. What happens when you mix chemicals together?" Mike asked the two boys. "You create a new substance." Lucas answered. "What if they're making something?" Mike asked. "In themselves? I mean, come on, if you drink this crap, it'll kill you."

"Yeah, if you're human." Lexi shrugged. "Blood. Yesterday, Tom had a bandage on his forehead." Nancy picked up a wine bottle. "He was attacked. They must have tied them. They must have taken them somewhere."

"Mrs. Driscoll. She kept saying I have to go back. What if the flaying, it's taking place somewhere else? There must be a place where all this started, right? A source." Nancy explained. "Somewhere he didn't want me to see."

"If we can find the source, then maybe we can stop him. Or at least stop it from spreading or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals." Nancy nodded. "How do we find it?" Lexi asked. "Mrs. Driscoll. If she wants to go back so badly, why don't we let her?"


"See, you're the only one who gon' tell... Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me! Where do you think you're going?" The woman in hospital stopped them. "Oh, um... I was just going to visit my grandma again. And... And this... this is my family."

"Extended." Lucas grinned and the woman raised her brows. "I don't care who they are. You know the rules. Two visitors at a time."  She pointed at Nancy. "Yeah, but..."The woman shook her head. "Two! Girl, this child has lost her mind. She brought a whole zoo in here."

Max sat down next to Lexi. The blonde placed her head on Max's shoulder and closed her eyes. "Hi. Does your species like M&M's?" He asked Max. He wanted to get her back. Lucas knew there was something between the two girls, but he refused to give up.

They kept eating M&M's, until Will stood up and touched the back of his head. "He's here." The lights began flickering and the group looked at each other.

They all got up and ran to the elevator. Mike pressed the button a few times, until he gave up. "Stairs." Lexi pointed out.

They all ran up the stairs, until the heard banging and saw Jonathan trying to open some door. "Goddamn it!" He yelled. El ran to the door and opened it with her mind.

The door flung open and they saw something really gross on top of Nancy. "Jesus." Lexi shouted. "What the f-" Max was cut off by the monster screeching. El raised her hand and lifted the thing in the air. She slammed it into the left wall, then the right one, then into the ceiling and even into the floor. 

She then took a deep breath before  she lifted it once again, before she threw it out of the window.

"Go." They all ran down the stairs and out of the hospital. When they made it out, they saw the thing going down the drain. Lexi grimaced and grabbed Max's hand out of reflex. Which Lucas noticed. 


"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long." Mike stressed as El was looking for different people in the void. "Mike, you need to relax." Lexi sighed. "What if she gets brain damage or something?" He shrugged. "Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?"

"No, it's not. He made it up. Mike doesn't know what he's talking about." Max answered. "Oh, and you do?" He asked her. "No, I..." She walked over to the others. "Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us? Who do you think should decide El's limits? Mike or Eleven?"

"The way that you frame that is such bullshit." He scoffed. "It's not bullshit, Mike. This is your whole problem. And it's also precisely the reason why she dumped your ass." Nancy's eyes widened. "El dumped you?"

"Yeah, because she is conspiring against me. She's corrupting her." Lexi was getting sick of their stupid fight. "No, enlightening her. The fact is, she's not yours. She's her own person, fully capable of making her own decisions."

"She's risking her life for no reason." He scoffed. "For no reason? Mike, the flayed are out there doing God knows what." Lexi told him. "Killing, flaying, transforming into monsters." Lucas listed.

"And El's not stupid. She knows her abilities better than any of us." Nancy stated. "Exactly, thank you." Max nodded. "And she is her own person." Lexi added. "Exactly." Max smiled. "With her own free will." Nancy finished. 

"Exactly. El has saved the world twice, and Mike still doesn't trust her." She scoffed. "You wanna talk about trust, really? After you made Eleven spy on us?" He argued. "Wait, what?" Lucas joined the conversation. "Oh, she didn't tell you this? Your girlfriend used El's powers to spy on us."

"Ex-girlfriend." Lexi shrugged. "No, no, no, I did not make her. It was her idea. And why are we even talking about this, seriously?" She scoffed. "Yeah, who cares?" Will agreed. "I care." Lucas raised his hand. "Yeah. I guess girlfriends don't lie, they spy."

"We were just joking around." Max defended. "Wouldn't it've been so funny if I was taking a massive shit or something?" Lexi grimaced. "You weren't." Max shot back. "But what if I was?" He said. "Then gross!" Lexi told him. "Seriously, Mike?"

"I'm just trying to demonstrate how careless Max is with Eleven's powers. In fact, how careless all of you are. You're treating her like some kind of machine when she's not a machine, and I don't want her to die looking for the flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the Earth. So can we please just come up with a new plan because I love her and I can't lose her again."

"What's going on?" El came out of their room and everyone's eyes were wide open from Mike's conffesion. "Nothing. Nothing. Just a family discussion." Lucas played off. "Oh. I found him. Found who?"

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