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Dunk Pov


I secretly laughed at my friends' silly expressions when Joong and I announced that we were dating.

"Congratulations," said Tutor who was the only one who didn't overreact after hearing our announcement.

"H-how....?", asked Save.

"It's just like that....I like Fourth and Fourth likes me too, there's no reason for us not to be together"

"shiaaa, so strong," said Gun.

"And you agree, just agree like that?" Yim asked me.

"You know yourself...Fourth's feelings for Gemini"

"weird", said Save


"You talk as if you're not  Fourth"


"Are you the ghost that entered Fourth's body?"


"ouchh!!, ai Gun!!"

"You're talking nonsense, I told you not to watch horror movies too often, you can't tell what's real life and what's your imagination...haven't you seen the dating style of people today?
they'll call each other names to make it look romantic"

"Like if I....oh..... I mean, like if Yim wants to go home with Tutor today?", Yim asked suddenly.

"Yeah, like .....hei....you and Tutor," Gun looked at Yim and Tutor in turn.

"I was just mentioning an example"


"Now  it's clear, stop your investigation, let me and Fourth date in peace."

"khruubb....heyy!!!, we're not investigating you!!!", Save and Yim immediately denied.

"Not investigating, really?"

"Of course, what do you think we are?"

"a group of people who are curious about their friends but choose the foolish way of conducting a painstaking investigation instead of directly asking"

"Fourth......your boyfriend is mocking us"

"Stop complaining Save, Yim....what Gemini said is true, you just choose to harbor your suspicions and keep doing silly things when you could have asked me directly."

"You're bad ai Fourth, you're defending your boyfriend now...I'm mad at you"

Save stood up and left

"I also angry"

Yim follows Save

I know...they're not really angry..they're just embarrassed but don't want to confess, they're just running away.... ....

"I'll catch up with Save, you pissed him off ai Fourth," said Gun.

Gun stood up and followed Save

As for Tutor........he did not move even 1cm

"You're not following Yim?", I asked curiously.

"sshhttt.... three........ two...... one!!!"

"ai Tor, Yim is upset with Yim's friend, let's go get dessert!!!"

"There's no need to run after him, he'll come himself", said  Tutor with a confident face.

"wahh so narcissistic"

"I'll go first"

After  Tutor left with Yim, the person beside me looked at me with a strange look


"Joong wants Joong's boyfriend....."

"Does Joong want to be strangled to death by Dunk?"

"No....no....sorry I was just joking, hehe"

"you crazy bastard"



Everyone was looking at me and Joong.

They must have been surprised to see two men holding hands like lovers

But that's not what makes me think, I don't care if they gossip about me but what about Joong, I mean....Gemini, Gemini's reputation is so good that I'm starting to doubt....



"Why are you daydreaming?"

"Joong.... i thinks we should not show our relationship in public"

"Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"No..... I'm just afraid of Gemini's reputation......."

"I'm actually a little disappointed"

"huh, w-why?"

"You keep thinking about Gemini, do you ever think about me even a little?"

"e...I just don't want repu...."

"No problem, then I'll go first."

Joong released his grip........and walked first.

"Come quickly we'll be late"

I'm actually confused

Shouldn't we think of the reputation of the owner of this body?

Why didn't Joong ever think of Gemini?

Why does he always act on his own?

It's his fault, isn't it?

But why do I feel like it's my fault?

Ahh...don't know I'm confused

To Be Continued

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