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Dunk Pov



"You think....what are Gemini and Fourth doing in our world??," I asked

Joong and I sat by the pool sipping coke...

"For Gemini....I guess he should work"

"For Gemini I think he will survive, but for Fourth I'm not sure...",i said


"You know???, I'm a stylish I just agreed my friend to go back to work after going through some problems...."

"Then what's the problem?"

"Fourth..... seems to be someone who grew up in a family that really loves him, he doesn't need to work hard..., while I... you know... I went through various messes."

"That day I was put down by people, then that night I caught my girlfriend cheating on me with my best friend at my condo, a few days later I was on vacation but while on vacation my mother called me, you know what's worse than that???"


"I thought he was going to say, Dunk are you okay son??, instead she asked for money for my brother"

"Are you ok??"

I nodded slowly

"but I'm worried about Fourth"

"don't worry....everything will be fine"

Should I believe??



"I'd like to ask"


"Do you still like your girlfriend?"

"You use wrong word Joong....she's not my girlfriend anymore, she's my ex-girlfriend"


"Neither she and I have loved each other for a long time, we take care of each other.... Actually, I myself don't know since when everything started to change....but the words of love that she said to me every day for the last few days....Feels weird"


"I feel all the words of love are not for me.... that love...., when I look into her eyes... that loving gaze is gone"



"Come closer to me"


"I want to hug you"

I don't know what's wrong, but I immediately approached Joong and leaned myself on his shoulder

"You have to forget your past and believe that Fourth can definitely face your problem"

"Joong... are you..."


"Are you hugging me as Gemini and I'm Fourth?"

"Nope...I hug you because you are Dunk and I am Joong"

"then....thank you"


"thanks for being the only person who thinks I'm Dunk"



"no...nothing, let's go home"




Someone called, as soon as I turned around I saw a man in a light blue uniform waving his hand

"N'Fourth, why are you confused??"


Who is this guy??

"don't tell me you don't remember phi"




"You really are forgetful"


"What are you doing here??, Why haven't you come home yet???"

"I-I'm going home"

"in a hurry?"

"no...does phi need anything?"

"Wanna come with phi to the cafe?"


"Accompany me to eat, I'm too lazy to go home," said P'Peat

He took me to a cafe that I didn't know



I still continue enjoying my cake


"P'Peat....what's the problem?", I asked


"Oh I see"

But the problem has not ended here


See 🥴

"P'Peat...just say it"

"Me and Fort had a fight"

Who else is this Fort?

At first I thought Fort was his friend or brother, but it turns out…he is his boyfriend

He explained that last night he accidentally looked at his boyfriend phone and found dozens of incoming chats from women Which Peat didn't know

At first he thought it was just a normal chat but it turns out... not the contents of the woman's messages, everything seemed tempting

"So I ran away from home, N'Fourth, now I have no destination....want to come with me on vacation?"

"Holidays?, But...I have to go to phi school"

"Tomorrow is the weekend right?"


"Then...you come with me today"

"But my mother..."

"He will allow you Fourth, I will ask permission for you"


Doesn't seem like a bad idea... just in case I can find a way to get back

To Be Continued

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