Chapter Twenty-Three

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Winnie Melbourne

I stare at the floor of Alpha Kayson's office, zoning out. My mates and my Alpha bicker back and forth amongst themselves, ignoring me and the black hole that has become my mind. They are unaware of my inner turmoil and my doubt that I can make it out of The Salvation Trials alive. Wolves all over the Mountain want to kill me, and this is the perfect opportunity for them to hang up and do so.

"I don't know what you want me to do!", Alpha Kayson yells at Bronze. "Titus is Prime Alpha of the Mountain and what he says goes! My hands are tied!"

"Did you even fight for her?!", Bronze snarls, stepping up to my Alpha.

Alpha Kayson bristles, his Alpha Wolf taking it as a challenge. "Damn right I fought for her! I fought for her as hard as I could against the Prime Alpha! He threatened to remove me from the Trials, Alpha Bronze. If I'm not in the Trials, then I can't help Winnie win."

James snarls, his eyes glowing a vibrant green. "I will kill him!"

"You can't!", Alpha Kayson cries. "Killing the Prime Alpha without a reason or being provoked is a death sentence, James."

"Without a reason?!", James growls. He points at me, his finger trembling as he attempts to rein his wolf in.  "She will die! She is nowhere near prepared for what's coming!"

I snap, flying out of my chair and flinging it back against the wall from the force. The large bang that resounds through the office causes all three males to turn to me, eyes widened in surprise. "You have no clue if I'm prepared or not.", I snarl, baring my teeth at the three males. "You all talk about me as if I'm not here and I do not matter."

"It's not like that Winnie.", Alpha Kayson says.

"With all due respect Alpha Kayson, shut the fuck up and let me talk. I have been left out of the loop for far too long and you will tell me what's going to happen during The Salvation Trials so I can prepare. I am sick and tired of you deciding what is best for me. I am an adult, I am Gamma of Red Mountain, and you will no longer undermine me, Alpha or not."

A look passes between Alpha Kayson, James, and Bronze before Alpha Kayson sighs. "I can't tell you, Winnie. If you knew, the things you would do would be catastrophic. I'm sorry."

I look at my two mates who divert their gaze. I straighten my spine and clear my face of all emotions, but the rage wreaks havoc in my eyes. "Fine. I'll go to somebody who will give me the answers."

The Shadows slowly creep forward and the lights flicker as the darkness consumes the bulbs and drowns the brightness in black. They make their way to me, swallowing everything in its path.

"Winnie, please don't go.", James begs, reaching for me.

I step back and ignore the hurt he so blatantly displays at my subtle rejection. "I'll be back in time for The Salvation Trials. Stay out of my way during that time and I won't make you concede to me."

Bronze lunges forward to pull me to him but it's too late. The Shadows snap forward with the speed of lightning and snatch me, throwing me into another realm entirely. 

The white marble floors are familiar to me and I smile slightly at the feeling of being home. My brothers lurk in the dark parts of the temple, happy that I am here but wary of my rage. The sound of my footsteps echoes loudly as I make my way to the black throne in the room. I kneel before Mother Mene and put a fist to my heart. "Thank you for allowing me to visit my home, Mother Mene."

Her hand lightly touches my head. "You are welcome, Winnie. I know why you are here. You seek answers that your mates and Alpha could not give you. I can."

She moves her hand and I look up at her. "Please tell me what's going on. I'm so lost and confused. Nobody is giving me the answers I need."

"I will tell you, Winnie. Normally, I would not do this, but I favor you. Prime Alpha Titus has a dark agenda, and it all revolves around you. He is plotting your brutal murder as we speak. The Orange Mountain wolves in The Salvation Trials are working with him. Not only those wolves, but something much worse.", Mother Mene says, her dark eyes shining.

"Please, Mother Mene. What else?", I beg.

"The Clans. Over 400 wolves. During The Salvation Trials, Prime Alpha Titus will allow the Clans access to the Mountain. He will give them your precise location where they will attack and incapacitate you. From there, they will take you to the sacrificial altar and attempt to sacrifice you."

I sit back on my heels and stare at her in shock. "How am I supposed to take on over 400 wolves?"

Mother Mene sighs. "You don't. You are fully capable of doing so with your two mates by your side, but you don't. They will kidnap you, take you to the altar, and from there you will rise and show them the rage of two Mother Goddesses."


"There are some things about yourself that you do not know, Winnie, but you will. All in due time, of course.", she says with a smile. "Alpha Kayson will go toe to toe with Prime Alpha Titus during that time and defeat him."

"So Alpha Kayson will become Prime Alpha?", I ask as my brain attempts to piece all of this information together.

She shakes her head with a chuckle. "No. You will. Killing the Prime Alpha does not make you the automatic winner of the Trials. Alpha Kayson would have to defeat every other wolf who is in the Trials, including you. He knows of my will and knows that is not his path to walk on, but yours. You will win."

I nod my head. "Okay. Thank you, Mother Mene, for the answers I have desperately searched for. May I please stay with you until the Trials begin?"

"Of course, Winnie. Your brothers and I will prepare you for what's to come. You will rise and the Shadow Wolf will prevail over all. This is your destiny. Do you accept?"

"I accept, Mother Mene.", I answer, sealing my fate and the fate of hundreds of other wolves.

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