🪢Chapter Sixteen🪢

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Luna was at the pack house with everyone bar Bella since this was a private time with one another Luna told Sam that Leah, Seth, and Quil would imprint today and they would need two days to spend time with the imprints.

"Sam! Have we got everything? Because I am not! Dragging myself here again!" Luna yells as she gets her books together. Luna has grown up a lot she's more teen than a child now and she is still the youngest but most important member of the pack."Yes Luna, stop worrying and let's go to the beach," Sam smiles.

Luna, Sam, Anna, and Charlie were on their way to the beach when Leah and Seth joined them. Luna saw Wanda coming toward them and she ran to Luna with Roman in tow, the two crashed into the Clearwaters and locked eyes with them.

Leah froze as did Seth and Luna turned to Sam and smirked." Now aren't I a clever girl?" Luna says. Wanda smiled," Hi I'm Wanda," She said as she got up," I'm Seth nice to meet you how do you know Luna?" Seth questions." She was touring the school I go to and she and I started talking as Rhea and Mila Barnes who are with your friends Colin and Brady right now.

"I'm Roman and I'm so sorry are you okay?" Roman asked as he got up." I'm Leah and I'm okay are you?" Leah smiles." I'm okay," Roman nods." Rhea! Mila! Where is baby Rue?" Luna asks." She's not feeling well so we said she could come tomorrow when she's feeling much better," Rhea says softly.

Luna looked at Quil and felt bad he was on his own," Rhea is she here though?" Luna asked." She's with my parents up there but they are going and they'll come back in a couple of hours why?" Rhea asked.

Luna grabbed the muffins and dragged Quil with her." Excuse me!!" Luna yells gaining Mrs and Mrs Barnes's attention who had Rue on her hip. Quil and Rue locked eyes and he saw his future with Rue." There's are for you," Luna grins showing the muffins." Oh thank you, we'll try these when we get back," Mrs Barnes says taking the muffins.

Luna and Quil left not before waving Rue and the sisters' parents off." Now you've imprinted, you'll see her tomorrow then you can reveal everything when Sam gives the okay," Luna tells him.

Luna and Quil raced back to the pack and saw everyone playing football or lying on the beach. Sam approached Luna," So what happened up there?" Sam wonders."Quil imprinted on the youngest sister," Luna smirks.

"That's everyone happy now, no one is left alone now, whether they end up being just friends or lovers they have someone to keep them going forever," Luna says with a smile.

Charlie stood up with Anna, Billy, Harry, and Sue Clearwater, and Old Quil joined everyone on the beach." So as you all know I've asked Anna to be my wife and she said yes!" Charlie announced their engagement." We are going to have the wedding very soon and everyone is invited to it!" Anna says with a smile.

"Can I help plan it with you?" Luna asked." Of course, my sweet girl and I have Luna as my flower girl, Sue as my maid of honour and everyone else are bridesmaids/ groomsmen as Charlie is choosing his best man we are having Harry as our officiant," Anna smiles.

The pack congratulated Anna and Charlie, Luna felt everything was falling into place even with the future showing the army and the meeting with Volturi Kings.

Luna felt at home and she plans on being a strong seer for her pack and her family. She has never forgotten her parents and she writes messages for them and buries them.

Chapter Sixteen is done ✔️ The next chapter is Quil spending time with Rue on the beach with the pack.

How was this chapter?

Are we glad that everyone has been imprinted?

Who wants the second book of the Mini-series?

Who loving Luna?

A/N- Luna is very mature for an 10 year old because of the burden she carries!!

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