🩵Chapter Fifteen🩵

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Luna was at school and was about to start middle school soon. She was touring with her class when she bumped into three girls whom she saw in her dreams." Hello, I'm Luna who are you three?" Luna smiles." I'm Wanda Carter, Rhea Barnes, and Mila Barnes, "They introduced themselves." We must go hang out on the beach soon!" Luna says with a grin.

"Of course, would you mind if my brother Roman joins us? He doesn't let me go anywhere alone," Wanda smiles lightly." Of course not bring him," Luna grins." We'll bring our baby sister as she's six years old and she loves the ocean," Rhea smiles.

"That's also fine," Luna says with a smile." I have friends who live on the reservation and they'd love to meet you," Luna grins." They are older than me but the same age near enough to you," Luna explains.

"Definitely be there as we could do with meeting new people," Mila smiles. Luna spots Colin and Brady coming towards her," Mila, Rhea, this is Colin and Brady," Luna says nodding her head towards the two teen boys.

Both girls turn to see Brady and Colin there and both boys stop in their tracks they see their future with the Barnes sisters and they realize they imprinted on the two Barnes sisters. Luna smirks, "Two down three to go!" Luna says lowly. Wanda gave a look and Luna put her finger to her lip as if to say keep this quiet and Wanda nodded in understanding." Oh come to the beach tomorrow with your brother and your baby sister girls as we are heading there tomorrow

Luna carried on with her middle school tour before heading back home. Anna picked Luna from school," So I helped Brady and Colin imprint today so three more to go! And the pack has their future sorted," Luna says with a giddy smile." You little sneak," Anna winks." Always," Luna giggles.

Luna and Anna arrive home and Luna sees a letter from Italy and Jasper and takes them to her room to read in private. She opens the letter from Volterra first.

"Dearest Luna,

I hope this letter finds you well, I'm Marcus Volturi and I'm one of the Kings of the vampire world. I'm writing this because I know about you and your Seer powers. I haven't told Aro as I see who your mate is and I don't want to test him.

Luna, you need to tell Aro everything when you come here soon as it will save Jasper's true mate and yourself. You keep well now, especially around Bella Swan.

Goodbye for now,

Marcus Volturi,"

Luna keeps the letter hidden and reads Jasper's letter next. She sees a photo of him and her together.

Hey lil lady,

I'm sorry for my behaviour last time I was here. Please forgive me, I couldn't stop the major from coming out. You are my niece and I couldn't believe he hurt you. I know it was an accident and he is making it up to you like he should.

Here are our photos and I will always keep them close to my heart as I know you will, My little Seer and I will visit soon just got to clear it with the pack and council first.

Goodbye for now

Jasper Whitlock x

Luna hugs her photos and keeps them in her memory box and she heads to the bathroom and runs herself a bath before dinner and bed. Luna is allowed to see Sam and the pack again tomorrow.


Chapter fifteen is done ✔️  short chapter sorry again kind of a filler one.

How was the chapter?

Ready for the last 3 wolves to imprint?!

Ready for the trip to Volterra?

Luna Regins-Sam Uley Fanfic 🐺 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt