🐹Chapter Fourteen🐹

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Luna wasn't down at the pack house but she was at home doing school work as Sam and Charlie both agreed that she was to stay there just until the newly phased wolves were calm and had control over themselves. Bella was in Florida for a couple of weeks with her mother so Charlie could relax and enjoy two weeks of no Bella.

Anna and Charlie have been dating for almost six months and he's been thinking about proposing to her but wants to wait till everything is calm and settled down first. Luna and Anna were gonna have a girl's day out in Port Angeles.

"Ready to go Luna?" Anna asks with a smile." Yeah, I'm ready Is Dad coming with us?" Luna asked. Luna knows Charlie isn't her dad but she wants to call him dad."Not today I'm gonna catch up with paperwork at the station but go and have a good day with Anna and stay safe. If something doesn't seem right come home," Charlie says kissing Anna and Luna's heads.

Luna and Anna headed off to Port Angeles for a shopping spree and Luna felt no bad feelings or visions coming through. They headed into the mall.

"So are you ready to get yourself some new clothes?"Anna asked with a soft smile."Yeah, can I get you, Dad, and the pack something too?" Luna asks."Yeah of course," Anna says.

Luna and Anna got their nails done and brought new clothes for themselves, Charlie, and the pack. Luna got herself some more notepads and a beanie to put on her head.

Luna noticed people staring and she glared back at them." Take a photo it lasts longer!" Luna growls out annoyed." Stare at her one more time and I'll give you something to look at!" Anna shouts.

Luna and Anna left Port Angeles and headed home where Charlie had organized for Sue Clearwater to have Luna since he was planning on proposing to Anna and making her his wife. Luna knew about this and was excited about it.

Anna arrived to see Charlie all dressed up and Sue here to collect Luna." Luna, you're down at Sue's house tonight but we'll see you soon," Charlie winks. Luna smiles," Bye Anna, Bye dad, have a good night," Luna says waving them goodbye.

Luna heads to Clearwater's house and Seth is the only one that's was at the house as he is the only one who was calm for a first-time phaser." Hey Seth! Want to play Mario Kart?" Luna grins." Yeah, come on," Seth smiles.

Luna and Seth headed inside and played Mario Kart all night long and enjoyed each other's company. Charlie asked Anna to marry him and she said yes and the two are set to be married in three months.

Chapter fourteen is done ✔️  A short chapter as this is just a little bit before the final five imprints in chapters 16 and 17. Chapter fifteen is about Luna going to school where she meets Seth, Brady, and Colin imprints and makes friends with them!

How was this short chapter?

Who's ready for the Volturi Kings to meet Luna Reigns?

Sorry for the short chapter!

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