🧞‍♀️Chapter Ten🧞‍♀️

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Luna was down the pack house and her face healed up nicely but was left with pink scars on her face, collar bone, and arm. Charlie just found out about the wolf pack and the secret." So you and Luna are imprints?" Charlie asked unsure." Yeah, it's a brother and sister imprint bond, I won't ever be anything more," Sam nods.

"Anna explained how we have a romantic relationship bond and it is due to what the imprint wants," Charlie says." Uh-huh, see I've stopped ageing meaning I'm 18 still and I'll remain eighteen till she is the same age and I'll let her choose how she wants," Sam cautiously says." Okay. So the silver wolf in Luna's room was Paul?" Charlie wonders." Yep, I was protecting my Alpha's imprint from that Cullen who is our enemy and a vampire," Paul nods.

"He's over 100 years old?!" Charlie shouts." Yep that's more disturbing than mine and Luna's age gap," Sam softly chuckles." I'm still not comfortable with you and her but I know you would look after her and I mean no physical between you two till I'm dead," Charlie says with a look. "Yes sir plus I'd ask permission first from you," Sam nods."The accident was also you," Charlie works out.

Sam nods and looks down," Yeah I am ashamed of myself sir," Sam says sadly. Luna hugs Sam, "He didn't mean it dad, I saw it coming but I decided to go near him in hopes he'd calm down," Luna says gently but she sees Charlie's face." I'm a Seer a young one but I see people's future, events that are going to occur and I can change them but some I can't," Luna explains.

Charlie nods," Okay, I'm just gonna pretend that you lot didn't tell me anything as this is a lot," Charlie says softly. Luna hugs Charlie," You should take Anna on a date, she's into you," Luna smiles. Charlie smiles and looks at Anna, "You gonna be okay here kiddo?" Charlie asked." Always," Luna smiles.

Charlie left to see Anna and Luna got started on baking which she was able to do alone."Jake isn't here yet," Embry notes." Okay, he probably slept in with his girlfriend," Paul chuckles." Em, where's Amber these days?" Luna asked." Right here!" Amber says announcing her presence.

Luna smiled and hugged Amber, she knows about the wolves as does Lydia so she knows about Luna's accident but doesn't see her any different." Lydia and Jake on their way?" Amber asks." We're off to get them now so see you in a minute," Embry says kissing Amber's cheek." Paul stay here please?" Luna asked as Sam remembered Luna's warning." Paul stay here," Sam backs her up. Paul nods and stays put.

About half an hour later, Sam and the boys return with Bella and Lydia." What's gone on?" Luna asked." Bella struck Lydia in the face and Jake phased," Sam explains." For Christ's sake," Luna grumbles." Ha! And you thought it was going to be me!" Paul laughs. Luna smacks Paul around the head and he winces." No muffins for you for two weeks," Luna scolds him. Paul grumbles and takes the punishment.

"So are you all werewolves?" Bella asked," Don't answer that," Luna said before carrying on doing food." But I deserve to know!" Bella says." You don't deserve shit," Amber says cleaning Lydia's face up. Sam walked in and kissed Luna's head before facing Bella." Just because you have seen something doesn't mean you get to know, our turf our rules," Sam says with crossed arms.

Jake entered the place and checked on Lydia before scowling at Bella." You need to leave your not welcome here," Jake says hugging Lydia." But I want to know about you," Bella tries." The answer is no," Luna says firmly." You're not allowed to be here so get your flat ass into your truck and leave now!" Luna warns her.

Bella scoffs and leaves for home," Jacob Black!" Luna yells." I'm sorry!" Jake quickly apologizes. Luna chuckles at him and gives him a slice of cake as she does everyone else even Paul.

A couple of days passed and Bella returned to the rez wanting to speak with Jake."Is Jake around? I want to speak with him?" Bella asked. Luna looked up from her homework book." He is and so is his girlfriend so you want to talk you speak with all of us," Luna says.

"Sam!" Luna yells and the pack falls in with Sam taking the lead."Yeah? What's up?" Sam wonders." The outsider wants to talk so I called you all in," Luna smiles. Sam nods in understanding." So what do you want?" Sam asked." How did you lot come to be like this?" Bella asked." Because of your freaks," Jake scoffs." And a certain redhead so that's why," Sam says.

"Redhead? Do you mean Victoria?" Bella wonders." We don't know her name but yeah, she's after someone or something as she keeps coming back," Embry nods." Me, it's me she's after, "Bella reveals. Luna groaned," Why am I not surprised by this?" Luna mutters." Well now we know why her other friend was here, he was also looking for you but he's dead," Paul mutters.

"Laurent was here?" Bella says. Sam nods." If that's all you wanted to talk about you can leave now," Luna says walking into the kitchen. Sam went to Luna's side," She'll need to be here so we can keep her safe," Sam whispers."  Fine set days only as we aren't babysitters," Luna nods."You are to come here two days a week till the redhead is gone," Luna says.

"You're not the boss of me," Bella scoffs," No but she's our Luna our alpha imprint and what she and he say goes if you don't like it then we ain't protecting your ass bitch," Paul snaps." Paul Anthony Lahote!" Luna scolds.

"Sorry madam," Paul quickly apologizes. Luna smiles and chucks the pack their muffins for the day."You stay today and tomorrow," Luna states." Don't like it, not my problem or theirs," Luna says hugging Sam's torso.

Bella nods and Lydia and Amber arrive." So she's the reason Jake's all worked up," Lydia mutters." Unfortunately yes, the redhead is after her because her lot killed her mate so she wants a mate for a mate," Luna says." Good hand her over," Lydia shrugs. Luna laughs as does the pack and Amber." Unfortunately, we can't so we're stuck with her," Sam says with a grin.

The pack decides to have a beach day and they spot Quil on his own and Luna decides to bring Quil over." Come on, you can come with me. You're my friend so are they," Luna smiles.

Quil nods and makes his way over and Luna gives Sam a look of he's phasing soon so leave it alone. He nods and lets Quil sit with them. Quil, Jake and Embry all played a game of soccer against Sam, Paul and Jared and the three lost against Jake, Embry and Quil.

Bella left to go home and Charlie came back from his date with Anna he was happier than he's ever been. "Luna time to go home!" Charlie says with a smile. Luna nods and packs her things away." See you all soon," Luna waved goodbye to everyone and Sam hugged her goodbye.

"Luna, you'll be staying with me and Anna for the next few days as I want both of my girls to have some time together is that okay?" Charlie asked as they drove home.

"Yeah, that's fine. Are you mad at Sam?" Luna asked." A little as he hurt you but I know he didn't mean to," Charlie admits." Okay, he is making it up to me though by keeping himself in check and letting me boss him around," Luna chuckles.

Charlie smiles and pulls into the driveway. Charlie and Luna both have dinner and have a daddy-and-daughter movie night with one another before bedtime.


Chapter ten is done ✔️ Charlie knows everything now!  The next 6 chapters are about Bella with the pack. Alice returns and Luna goes to Volterra and meets Aro as she predicted.

How was this chapter?

How do we think Aro x Luna scenes will go?

Ready for the Volturi Kings to meet Luna?

The Newborn battle happens in chapter 25!

Alice returns in Chapter 19

Aro and Luna meet in Chapter 20!

Edward, Bella and Alice all die in Chapter 26 as the Volturi Kings come to meet Bree Tanner 💜 and kill Edward for false claims and promises, Alice for false prophecies and keeping two mates apart and Bella for her lack of respect!

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