🫶Chapter Nine🫶

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"Of course chief, we'll look out for her," Paul nods." Thanks and I know you will," Charlie smiles and leaves for the station. Luna faces the boys." I need Sam to stay calm about this okay?" Luna says.

"He won't be happy Luna so staying calm isn't our forte exactly," Jared says." Well if he or you lot don't someone gonna get hurt today as I saw someone phasing and someone getting hurt," Luna admits.

"And you think it's gonna be you?" Jake asked." Yes because of how my face looks now," Luna nods." He's gonna see it so let him and if he gets angry we'll take him into the woods to calm down," Jared says." Alright, Jake can you stand here with me and you Embry, and you two be ready to drag him that way," Luna points." Yes madam," Jared nods.

Sam made his way out and he saw Luna's face and he was pissed." Who did that?!"Sam growls out." Sam!" Luna warns him." They didn't do anything, it was Bella who attacked me," Luna says. Sam was shaking with anger," Jared! Paul!" Luna yells and they try to drag Sam away but Sam is more powerful than them so Jake and Embry have to leave Luna's side to help.

Sam got dragged to the woods but he wasn't calming down. Luna knows she'll get hurt but she has to try and calm her alpha and imprint down." Samuel Uley!" Luna yells and Sam stands in his tracks." You need to calm down. I'm okay, yes I got hurt that wasn't your fault so ease up please," Luna says gently.

Sam was too angry and phased and Luna tried to get as much distance from Sam but was unlucky as he clawed Luna's face, collar bone, and chest. Paul and Jared phased and stood over Luna as Sam realized what he did and Jake went for him as Embry attended to Luna.

"Luna?" Embry says softly." I'm okay, I'm going to be fine," Luna says gently." Let's take you to Sue's to get patched up okay?" Embry smiles and lifts Luna who curls herself into his chest.

"Yeah, Sam going to hate himself even more now isn't he?" Luna says sadly." Yeah but that's not your fault so don't blame yourself," Embry says as they approach Sue Clearwater's home.

Embry knocks on the door disturbing Sue and she comes to the door." Oh no! What happened?" Sue said sadly." Sam did, and Bella roughed up Luna and Sam got angry and phased and Luna was caught in the crossfire," Embry explains." Oh boy, it's her birthday, and Charlie gonna be pissed that she got even more hurt," Sue says.

Embry nods and Sue leads him into the house and to the bedroom." Hi Luna, may I look at your wounds and begin to stitch and clean you up hun?" Sue asked softly." Yeah, of course. Is Harry around? I could do with talking to him please as you fix me up?" Luna asked."Sure," Sue nods." HARRY!" Sue yells." Okay Embry can you hold her while I clean and stitch her up?" Sue asked softly.

Embry nods and gets on the bed and pulls Luna onto his lap and Sue starts cleaning her up as Harry enters the room."Hey Luna you wanted to speak to me?" Harry says softly.

"Yeah, I saw this coming but I didn't see who. Is that normal?" Luna asked." I think because it was you, it was more a warning than a prophecy," Harry says gently.

"Sam's here," Jared announced entering the room." Okay let him in," Luna nods. Jared nods and Sam walks in ashamed and carrying her presents." I'm sorry Luna, I understand if you don't want to come and see me again," Sam says putting her presents down.

"Sam I always want to see you, this was an accident. Kind of saw this coming but it's okay, I'll look badass as I get older," Luna smiles and winks." I don't deserve you sometimes," Sam smiles softly. Sam joins Luna's side as Embry gets off the bed." Charlie is on his way and he is not happy," Sue says with a look.

Luna went into a daze and smiled." What is it, Luna?" Harry asked." What's the possibility of a female wolf shifter?" Luna asked." Rare why?" Harry wonders."Charlie is about to get a wolf wife soon," Luna winks.

"From here?" Harry wonders." No, a travelling friend of yours," Luna smiles." Anna, she's due a visit today," Harry smiles." Let them meet as he needs someone to love," Luna nods.

Harry smiled as Charlie arrived," Hey Luna, I got here as quick as I could are you okay?" Charlie says softly kissing Luna's forehead." Yeah, just deep scratches but I'm alright," Luna smiles softly.

A knock on the door was heard and a lady walked in." Hello!" She called out and Charlie turned around to see a beautiful lady who locked eyes with him." Anna this is Charlie my best mate, Charlie this is Anna," Harry introduces the duo.

"Hi," Anna/Charlie greet one another." Charlie, why don't you and Anna get to know each other?" Luna smiles at him." I-I need to take care of you first," Charlie stutters." I got Sam so as the birthday girl I am telling you to spend time with Anna, I like her,'' Luna winks.

Charlie smiles and leaves the room with Anna. Sam lay with Luna again and Luna climbed onto Sam's lap and lay on his chest."I'm still your girl Sam," Luna says gently before falling asleep. Sam smiles lightly and Luna falls asleep in Sam's arms.

Chapter Nine is done ✔️ Sam accidentally hurt Luna 😢 and Charlie got an imprint 🙈 Luna is officially ten.

How was this chapter?

How did we like the surprise imprinting?

How did you feel about the accident?

Ready for Bella to poke her nose into the pack's life?

Her scars are to her collar bone and she has a slight scar on her arm.

Luna Regins-Sam Uley Fanfic 🐺 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora