Chapter 23 - Captured

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I looked up at Wade after coming back to my senses. “What happened?” I asked. Usually Mors allows me to keep the memories of what he did, but this time I was drawing a blank.

He looked shaken up. “You turned into Mors and he told your family to get out. I had to stop him from killing Barton.”

The thought of my former uncle almost made me lose control again, but at the look on Wade’s face, I held tightly to it. “Thanks for stopping me,” I said, pulling him in for a hug.

“That wasn’t you,” he said firmly. The tone of his voice made me wonder if that was all I had done.

“Wade… what aren’t you telling me?”

He looked away for a moment and I frowned. “It’s nothing, Angel,” he said. “You should go to your family. They’re worried about you.”

I sighed, knowing that if he was going to tell me what else I had done, he would have already done so. “You coming?”

He shook his head. “I’ll drop by tomorrow,” he promised.

I nodded and left, catching a taxi back to the tower.

When I got there, I entered the lobby, forcing a smile when I saw Shannon. I waved and she waved back. I walked into the elevator and Friday took me to the penthouse.

Everyone was sitting around, looking concerned. Presumably for me. I winced when I saw Natasha. It must have been difficult for her to see me as Mors. I wondered if the experience would change her opinion of me.

“Hey, guys,” I said cautiously.

They all whipped around to face me and I winced. “Peter!” Natasha exclaimed. She rushed forward and gave me a big hug, Dad and Mom right behind her. “Are you alright?”

I frowned. “Not really,” I said honestly. “It still hurts, but I don’t think I’ll lose control anytime soon.”

“That’s good,” Natasha said.

I bit my lip. I knew Mors made her uncomfortable, but he was still a part of me. “Can we talk?” I asked her. “Alone?”

She nodded and led me to her room. “What’s up Маленький Паук?”

I took a deep breath. “We need to talk about Mors.”

She tensed slightly but nodded.

“Our… relationship… is complicated. We’re not the same person, but he’s still a part of me. He’s my safe space. He… he protects me. I know that sounds stupid, because I can protect myself, but I mean emotionally. I need you to know that, if you want to accept me, then you will have to learn to accept him too.”

She pulled me in for a hug. “I will try, but I think to do that, we’ll need to have some talks.”

I smiled genuinely. “I think I can arrange that.”

~1 month later~

We had been expelled. It sucked, but it really just gave me more time to work on projects, spend time with Wade, and to be Spider-Man.

Natasha had begun to accept Mors, though she still was uncomfortable when he took control. Everyone in my family was. Mors just had that affect on people.

Anyway, I was currently standing in front of the mirror in my room, getting ready to go spend time with Wade. I planned to confess that I liked him. I sighed and decided I looked presentable before leaving my room and heading through the halls towards the elevator.

After saying goodbye to those in the living room, I made my way down the stairs and towards Wade’s apartment. I was about halfway there when I got a text message.

Unknown: image (2)

I frowned and checked it before gasping and dropping my phone. Some people looked at me in concern, since it wasn’t every day you see a teenager drop their phone with a look of terror on their face. I ignored them and shakily picked the phone back up.

There were two pictures. One of Clint, tied up, bruised, and bloodied. The other, the Hydra symbol.

Unknown: Hello, Angel.

My hands shook as I responded.

P: Let him go.

Unknown: Come alone. [Insert random address]

I checked the address. It was thirty minutes away. I knew I could make it in ten if I rushed. I began running there, brushing past people and ignoring their annoyed or concerned shouts.

When I got there, I saw that it was a normal suburban home. I knocked on the door, slipping a knife into my hand from my pocket.

As soon as the door opened to reveal the Doc, I prepared to attack, but everything went dark before I could strike.



Also, thanks to ImkeErkens for the inspiration to finish this story! I have it all done thanks to you!

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