Chapter 9 - Stark Tower Pt. 1

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I walked in with a smile on my face. Our tour guide walked over to us with a fake smile. I groaned; it was Sadie. "Hello. Is this Midtown High?" she asked.

Mr. Jones nodded. "Yes."

"Great! Welcome to Stark Tower." She looked over the group as she talked. She froze when she saw me. "Junior?" she asked, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Hi, Sadie." I waved. I was warming up a bit since we had walked into the tower, which was always kept extra warm for me during the winters.

She laughed, though it sounded a bit forced. "Only you, Junior, only you."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up."

She smiled before getting back to the class. "Okay. I am going to get you all a visitors pass." She walked over to the reception desk and talked to Shannon for a minute. She came back holding a box. "When I call your name, come up and get your pass," she said. "Eugene Thompson."

Flash walked up and grabbed his badge, proudly attaching it to his jacket.

"Michelle Jones."

"Edward Leeds."

She continued to read names until the last one. "Peter Parker."

I walked up to grab it. When I got back, Flash walked over to me. He grabbed my badge. "If you're really an intern, you should have your own badge. So, you don't need this one." He ripped it in half.

I just turned away from him, wishing I could be anywhere else in the world.

"Alright! If everyone has their passes, we are going to continue with the tour. Please enter the elevator."

MJ went through first, since she was closest. Friday's voice called out her name and clearance level with a robotic voice, though I detected a bit of warmth as she said my friends' names. "Michelle Jones. Level 1, visitor. Danger level, 3."

Next Ned went through, having met Bruce and not being the least bit nervous. "Edward Leeds. Level 1, visitor. Danger level, 3.

Everyone else went in with the same results, except the danger level, which varied a bit, ranging from 2-3. Then Flash went. "Eugene Thompson. Level 1. Danger level, 1." Her voice went ice cold, different from the automated voice she used before.

Sadie's eyes narrowed at him, and she shot me a look which said, We will talk about this later. I flinched and avoided her gaze. It was my turn to go through. I didn't pull out a badge because I didn't have one. "Peter Parker," she said, voice warm and welcoming. "Level 10. Danger level, 9. Welcome back, Peter."

"Thanks Friday."

"Level 20 again today?" she asked. Why was she doing that? She knew I was on a field trip. Oh no. I told Mom they didn't believe me. She said she'd help; she didn't say what she'd help with.

"No thanks Fri. I'm on a field trip," I mumbled.

"Very well. I have informed Boss of your arrival."

"What?" I yelped. "Fri! Why would you do that? I thought you were on my side!" I complained.

"I was, but then Boss spent all night trying to hack through your firewalls. I felt bad for him. Sorry, Peter."

"I should never have given you that empathy upgrade," I grumbled unhappily before sighing. "It's fine. Did you at least record him?" I asked.

"Of course, it was too funny not to."

I heard Sadie clear her throat from behind me. I blushed. I had forgotten my class was there. "Heh. Sorry Sadie." I moved to join my class. "Fri, send that footage to the lab on level 20." I said.

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