Return to the Summerland

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"What did Nicholas want, anyway." David said.

"He received a message from the Orion Empire. From Carrie Brunner. Something about a time stream that involves you and me competing in something called The Temple of Trials." I said.

"The Temple of Trials? Sounds like some kind of bloody Reality Show." Thomas said.

David grew pale. "You're not too far off, Adebayo. The Temple of Trials is pretty much the original reality show. It takes place every five years on the Galactic Fringe. It's a contest where alien races fight to the death. It was supposed to have been outlawed by the Galactic Council years ago, but it goes on anyway. It's a nasty thing."

"I wouldn't trust anything Carrie says. This is probably just another one of her mind games. Trying to get under my skin or something." I said.

"Nevertheless, We should have the Union look into it. See what our best Psionics have to say about the Time Streams."

"I bloody well hope so. What good is having a bunch of Psionics if they can't tell the future," Thomas complained.

"Don't let Major Reynolds hear that, Thomas," David warned and stood up. "All right, you two go get some rest. You're now officially on 72 hour leave. Eliza, may I have a word with you in private."

Thomas shot me a quick wink and scooted out of the room before David could do anything. I just continued to sit in my chair. I was tired and all I wanted to do was sleep, although being alone with David was always nice. I didn't want to show any of my feelings especially after what had happened in New York. If only Mary could see me now, I thought.

David went to the door and closed it, "Hey are you all right?"

"I'm fine, David. I'm just tired. I need to sleep. You try fighting off a bunch of werewolves."

"I hate werewolves. They're always so cocky. The only thing more arrogant are the vampires."

"I don't know after meeting your brother, again. I'd say the most arrogant thing in the universe is him."

David laughed. "Don't I know it. Him and my father."

I laughed too. I knew all too well, about Michael Ross. I had sworn to kill him after all. Still, I treasured these moments alone with David. It was only the thought of my mission, Bring Light to the People, that kept me going when I was alone with him. I would look at his soft skin and dark brown eyes and a part of me wanted to forget my mission. I just wanted to be with David. To be alone with him in a quiet secret place. But there was always duty to think about. Defeating the Grimm. That always came first.

"Eliza, I worry about you. You never rest. You keep asking for these insanely difficult missions. I don't know why, Colonel Nash gives them to you."

I huffed with resentment, "Maybe it's because I'm the best."

"I don't know. I know a girl from West Virginia who might disagree with you. If Nicole wasn't busy training the next generation of Rangers, she'd be the best."

I remembered my first meeting with Nicole. Fighting with her in the narrow confines of my bedroom and her bringing out the flashing Etheric Knife. I always wondered if she would have killed me if my Uncle Paul hadn't stopped her in time. I'd never asked her about it. It's not like Nicole and I were on good speaking terms anyway.

"Are right, are we done here. I'd like to get some rest."

"Yeah, we're done. Dismissed," David curtly said.

I pushed back my chair and walked out of the room. Maybe, I'd hurt David's feelings but I didn't care. Right, then I just wanted to go home and sleep.

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