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"but...i love her.."

Anastasias POV-

I walk downstairs with my head down. I look up and see everyone staring at me. "Wow.. you look really good."I hear Gustav say quietly. "Thank you Gustav! You look really good yourself.", I say smiling.

Chanel, Victoria and Madison run up to me. "Oh. My. God. Anastasia you look so good. You will definitely make Tom jealous." Maddie says only so Chanel, Victoria and I can hear. "We are going to have so much fun guys!! Let's get going!" Bill says walking over to the garage.

We all follow him and make our way to our cars. "Anastasia, get in my car with me and Chanel. Tom is doing business he will be there in an hour or so." Bill says looking at me. I nod and get into his car.

Bills POV-

Anastasia gets into my car and sits there quietly. "So.. what's going on with you and Tom? He came home really mad after dropping you and Madison at the mall." Chanel says worried. She starts to tell Chanel and I what happened.

"Holy shit girl.. yeah you definitely need to make him jealous tonight." Chanel says. Should I tell her what Tom has been telling me. Fuck it. "Anastasia, you cannot tell Tom I told you this. You hear?" I say in a serious tone. "Okay, I won't." She says curiously. "Well, Tom confessed something. I've never seen him like this. He said that he loved you. And that's something very new to everyone that's been close with him for a long time. After having sex he usually throws them out. That's what hes trying to do to you. But he just keeps coming back to you." I say.

I look at her through the mirror. She looks shocked and sad at the same time.

Anastasias POV-

Im shocked. Tom loves me. "We are here!!" Chanel says knocking me out my thoughts. "I'm so excited!" I say happily. I open the car door and step out. I see everyone else get there a couple seconds after us. We wait for everyone to get out of the cars.

After everyone got out we make our way over to the club. "God.. the line is so fucking long." I say annoyed. Bill gives me a look and goes up to the bouncer. "Oh hey Bill! Come on in!" The bouncer says while dapping up Bill.

We walk in and I immediately hear my favorite song to dance to at clubs. "Whatever You Like" By T.I. My face lights up as I pull Chanel and Madison to the dance floor. They laugh and we all start to dance. I felt someone's hands grab onto my waist. I didn't care. I look up at them and see Bill. I smile and keep dancing. "Hey Bil-" I start to say but get cut off by him smashing his lips into mine.

I pull back and look at him. "Its okay, its apart of the plan. Chanel knows." He says while laughing. I was having to much fun to notice Madison and Chanel walking away walking over to Tom to get his attention. I laugh and kiss  Bill. I smile in between kisses to get Tom jealous.

After the song ended I grab Bills hand and walk over to the bar. "Can I get some shots of Tequila please?" I say smiling at the bartender subtly flirting. The bartender smiles back and hands me some shots. I graze his hand while grabbing the shots and wink at him walking away with Bill. "Damn bitch, you are such a flirt." Says bill laughing.

I giggle at Tom and walk over to where Gustav and Victoria are basically swallowing each other. Who am I to judge though? Me and Bill wave down Victoria and Chanel so we can take some shots. I make eye contact with Tom while doing so. He looked pissed. I didnt care though and kiss Bill while still making eye contact with Tom.

Chanel and Madison come up to us laughing. "Bitch, you are making him so jealous. Its actually funny." Chanel says while grabbing a shot. I laugh and say "Okay ready? 1,2,3!" We all slam down the shots and laugh. "Let's go dance some more guys." I say basically jumping up and down.

We make our way to the dance floor and "Hypnotized" plays by Akon. I squeal and grind on Chanel. She laughs and just goes with it. I turn her around and start to make out with her. She goes with it while smiling in between. Bill and Madison are basically having a dance battle while me and Chanel are dancing on each other.

I see Tom making his way to me. I run off and go to the bar and order more shots. I take all of them quickly and turn around to see Tom behind me with him glaring at me and clenching his jaw. I smile and tilt my head. "Hey Tommy." He scoffs and grabs my wrist and walks me out of the club. "Stop being such a dick Tom, I'm having fun." I say while kinda whining. He stops in his tracks and turns around. "Why were you kissing Bill?" He says blankly. I smirk. "Are you jealous?" He looks away quickly and looks back at me.

"Maybe. I know I've treated you like shit. And I'm sorry.." He says quietly. I chuckle and tilt my head. "Prove it." I say moving closer to him.

Toms POV-

"Prove it." Anastasia says while moving closer to me. Shes so hot. I look at her lips then her eyes again. "That's what I thought, Tom." She starts to walk back into the club. I grab her wrist and pull her close to me. I look at her lips and she smashes her lips into mine. I kiss her back and she slides her tongue into my mouth.

She pulls back and smiles. "I'm tired. Let's go home." She says while pulling me into the parking lot. We make our way over to my car and I open the door for her. She gets in and closes the door. I walk my way over to my side of the car and get in. I turn the car on and "The Hills" By The Weeknd starts to play.

She turns the music up, grabs my hand, and places it on her thigh.

Anastasias POV-

I take Tom's hand and place it on my thigh. I look at him and he glances at me. I look out the window and see we passed the house. I look at him confused. He smirks and continues to drive.

We pull into a fancy restaurant parking lot. It was only 10 PM so it was still early. He gets out of the car and makes his way to my door. He opens it and holds his hand out. I grab his hand and we start to walk to the entrance of the restaurant.

He opens the door for me. "Thank you." I say smiling. He smiles back. We get to the front of the restaurant. "I have a reservation for 2." Tom says blankly. The waiter nods and leads us to a private room in the back. It had roses on the table and wine waiting for us. This is so romantic. Tom grabs my chair and pulls it out for me. I sit down and he pushes the chair in. I silently giggle.

I think I like him a lot more.

I kinda hope they catch us.- Tom Kaulitz.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ