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"im trying but hes hot"

Anastasias POV-

I keep eye contact with him for a solid minute. I see him coming to talk to me but I get pulled away by Bella. "What does this girl want now?" I thought to myself while she drags me out of the crowd.

"Do you have a problem with me?" She says while squinting her eyes at me with her arms crossed. I press my lips together and stare at her for a minute."You're just begging for someone to put you in your place, aren't you?" I say while I walk up closer to her.

She looks at me in disgust. "What the fuck do you mean Anastasia? You're the one who talks shit about me 24/7." I stare at her confused. "Yeah like i obsess and talk about people who disgust me and treat me like shit."

Bella scoffed at my remark, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes towards me "i disgust you?" she repeated my words out loud "do you have any idea what it's like having to be close with someone like you?" she said back, not breaking eye contact for even a second "youre so self centered Anastasia. All you ever think about is yourself" bella finished off, looking at me in disgust.

She starts to walk away but I grab her wrist and pull her closer to me. "You really think i'm going to let you talk to me like that? If so, you are so wrong." I fake laugh.

She smirks and stands in an upright position. "What are you gonna do about it? You're just as weak as your mother was."

That's when I lost it. I pushed her to the ground and just started punching her. I didn't even think to stop. That's when I got pulled off. It didn't feel like Victoria or Chanel though..

Toms POV-

I walked to where that girl was pulled off too. I see her and the blonde girl arguing. I just stop and stand there to see what it gets into.

"You're so self centered Anastasia. All you ever think about is yourself" Anastasia .. that's her name. The blonde girl starts to walk off but Anastasia grabs her by the wrist.

"You really think i'm going to let you talk to me like that? If so, you are so wrong." I smirk and cross my arms while staring at Anastasia going off on that girl."What are you gonna do about it? You're just as weak as your mother was."

I seen Anastasia launch at the girl. Pushing her on the floor. She just kept punching, and punching. I saw the girl struggle to help herself. That's when I decided to pull her off. I could tell that she was confused.

Anastasias POV-

I turn towards the person that pulled me off of Bella. It was him. The boy. I tilt my head in confusion. "Hi? Why'd you do that?"

He smirked and looked at my lips and plays with his lip ring. "Hellooo..?" I say awkwardly. He looks back at me embarrassed "Oh sorry. I'm Tom."

"Basic name.." I say jokingly. He didnt look that amused though.
"Well this is awkward..." i rock back and forth. He grabs my wrist and leads me to where he was the last time I seen him.

That's when I saw Victoria with some guy with blonde curly-ish hair and Chanel with a tall grunge looking boy. He kinda looked like Tom..

"Thats Gustav and thats Bill." Tom says blankly while staring at me. I wave and Chanel and Victoria as they wave back smiling. Hes still holding my wrist.

"So. What was that whole thing about?" He says while leaning against a black sports car looking down at me. "Um.. none of your business really." I say fake smiling at him.

He clenches his jaw and makes eye contact with me. "I'm trying to be nice to you Anastasia..what the hell happened?" I look at him in concern "How the fuck do you know my name?" He smiles "I'm just that good. Now, last time. What happened?"

I explained to him what all happened. He looks at me with a worried look. "What? Its done and over with. I hate the bitch and so does everyone else."

He signals me to follow him. I stand there for a bit but eventually go. He whispers something to the boy Chanel was with and walks away into the crowd. The boy walks up to me with a bright smile. "Hi! I'm Bill! Toms my twin by the way! Also, thats Gustav and Georg was supposed to be here but he always misses shit. But anyway, whats your name?"

"I'm Anastasia!" I say with a smile. "Thats a pretty name" Gustav looks at me while smirking. "Thank you." I say still smiling. A couple minutes later I hear a loud bang. I jump up shocked and see Tom coming back.

"Don't worry, she wont be able to talk to you that way ever again."

I kinda hope they catch us.- Tom Kaulitz.Where stories live. Discover now