Part 49: Paralized

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Babes, we've reached 10k reads + 900 votes!! 😭 this is absolutely insane. I truly can't put my gratitude in words so I've decided to upload another chapter 🥰

BTW I'm not sure if we only have 10 chapters left 😂 Kinda looks like a few more atp... BUT we're definitely sailing smoothly towards the ending. Guess we'll see when we see 😂

Enjoy this one 🖤


Part 49: Paralized

With his jaw clenched, Kyun watches Anya leaning on the railing of the balcony. The demon has no idea how to fix this. As a matter of fact, he wasn't aware what his true motives were until Anya confronted him.

She's right.

After her confession there was a raging fire inside him, a fire so bright that it blinded him. Still he ignored it.

He needed to prove a point. He needed to show her that he's not good for her, proof that there's nothing about him worth loving.

It frustrates Kyun that Anya is more upset about him killing Henry than Henry's death itself. As if sparing his life would make Kyun less of a demon, less evil.

A part of him wants to move heaven and hell for her to stop being upset. The other part knows it's better this way. Even though Anya loves him, she needs to see the real him, needs to realize what he's capable of.

Just when he has this thought, she turns around and slowly walks back toward her living room. Lingering by the door, she sighs deeply.

"I know," she begins in a low voice without looking at him, "I know what I just said and I know that there are things going on inside of you that make it harder for you to go but... can you leave? Not for good. Please..." Her last word is barely a whisper, but it's not low enough to conceal the desperation in it. "I just need a few days to sort things out."

Still with a clenched jaw, Kyun nods. "I'll leave. But I want you to know that I don't want to leave. I'll leave 'cause you asked me to!"

Their eyes meet and Anya pulls her brows down flat. "I know..."

The demon clears his throat and mumbles, "Just... wanted to make that clear. I'm only one call away!"

With these words, his crimson eyes trace Anya's features, and he takes a deep breath and vanishes.

It's been three days. Kyun tries his best to keep his distance but Anya's pull is undeniable. It's like a tidal wave is constantly dragging him under and only Anya's presence helps him take a few vital breaths before he has to leave and drown once again. When he visits her to ease the insufferable feeling of suffocation, he makes sure she's deeply asleep. Him needing her like oxygen is his problem, not hers.

But every time he's standing in her living room, letting the warm shelter of her presence brush over him, he asks himself if he's close to losing his mind for needing her so much. This thought keeps on running in his head over and over again like a broken record.

On top of all these feelings is the sheer boredom. Kyun can't even remember what he did with his doomed eternity before he made that second deal with Anya and began spending every free moment with her.

So all he can do is sit in his apartment and stare out the window until he feels in the mood to go to work, collecting souls.

Taking a big gulp of his whiskey, he tilts his head as he lets the shiny lights of Seoul's skyline wash over him. But suddenly a dark, cold feeling sinks in his gut.

It's Anya.

Without consideration, he jumps into her apartment and finds her standing in her living room. Her chest is rising and falling quickly, and there's rage and anger in her eyes.

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